weed isn't addictive in the sense that you don't get physical withdrawl symptoms but you certainly can get mental ones and i've had many times when i was a heavy smoker when i would run out of weed and be absolutely miserable
trying to say it's just the same as coffee in that way is dishonest, weed is more addictive than coffee, less so than cigarettes or harder drugs, it's somewhere in the middle
i get physical withdrawals. Well unless sweating like crazy when trying to sleep, and being unable to sleep for the first little while of not having it is considered physical
It makes no difference, you contribute to the degeneracy no matter how much you try to justify or distance yourself from it. Strange how you can acknowledge it is degenerate behavior but you choose not to change it. It’s weak willed behavior
There is zero difference between pursuing poor behaviour while acknowledgeing or not. Actually everyone acknowledges it, the ones that don't admit to acknowledgeing it just have too big of an ego to admit they're weak.
You can be imperfect but you must attempt to better yourself. Quit smoking weed now, it will rot your brain. If you continue smoking weed by the time you’re 30 you’ll believe in mixed race marriages and open borders. The jew wants you to smoke weed.