CBD too high now

let me be clear, no drug can make be believe in mixed race marriages and open borders. not even cia mk ultra tech can shield me from the truth

This is why I'm voting yang. Give me that bag let me smoke weed, jerk off, and shit post every day

That’s what you think buddy. Keep smoking the reefer like a degenerate Berkeley hippie and you’ll become the leftist liberal cuck you hate. It’s a slow process, a small toke here, a small toke there, and before you know it you believe that white people should pay reparations and black people are getting shot by the police for no reason. Just normal cuck shit that degenerate weed smokers believe in. Ask your fellow NAdota marijuana enthusiasts about their beliefs and they’ll tell you about how they want open borders and mixed marriages to be legal.


Jesus had his homies drinking wine, im sure he'll understand my occasional toke.

jesus was THE leftist cuck of the jews, but the christian authorities in the churches (the true spiritual leaders of christianity) skillfully reframed his narrative to control leftist cucks, to make them feel guilty and indebted, and keep them in line

jesus was such a cuck he got fucking crucified and wanted his god to forgive the people crucifying him

Jesus did not have “homies” he had disciples. Look at how quickly your brain goes to nigge r speak once you start smoking marijuana. Truly degenerate dude.

refpsis speaks like that for the same reason he started smoking weed in the first place: nggr influence on pure america

its true, I bet refpsi smokes backwoods and swishers

smoking weed in your spare time is no different than watching TV or playing computer games

as long as it doesn't effect the meaningful parts of your life who gives a fuck?

or are you going to sit here and call every single leisure activity "degenerate behaviour" because it's not contributing to society

because if that's how you feel i'm sure there is a company in Japan that would live to hire you

No there are healthy behaviors and leisure activities that aren’t drug use. To say smoking weed is as harmless as watching tv or playing video games (neither of those are actually harmless but for the sake of the argument we will say they are) is severely retarded. Marijuana has an effect on your brain, your mood, and is a psychoactive, addictive, drug that alters your brain chemistry and memory. I just wish you dumb ass stoners would stop with this “weed is harmless and good for you” meme that you like to propagate as part of your delusional stoner culture. It’s actually quite funny that all you stoners share this collective delusion about marijuana being safe, it’s like proof of itself there that none of you idiots can admit to the dangers of smoking weed and keep trying to tell everyone it’s a harmless leisure activity. Get a real hobby you fucking pothead loser.

Watching TV and playing video games are 2 of the worst things u can do for your brain.

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This is true but drug use is obviously still worse than those.

Does marijuana make you violent? Teach you how to aim, shoot, and reload an AK47? How many school shooters have been marijuana smokers?

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just about every single one of them


Fake news

Can we weigh amount of time he smoked pot against the amount of time he spent video gaming and get an answer, by comparing to weights of every other school shooter, on which is more of a danger to society

keep supporting the use of a drug that drives people to commit atrocities such as mixed race marriage, open borders, and federal level abortion legalization.