Clown Nine Plus Plus - Day 5

Im sure now that I’ve said that the egos will balloon out of control and people will start having tantrums and shit

Remember when we told nihil he played good after like 2 town games and he went and spent 6 months being a massive cunt after that

there’s just no ego checks in place. Imagine if we finally had enough good players to make a small league or leaderboard or whatever. Sure thered still be inflated egos but atleast they’d be earning it and focusing on figuring out how to win every single game they play.

I agree it seems like town wins every game that they dont spend feuding amongst themselves. hosts might have to add another scum member to games or something if town starts working together more consistently, I just think it would be hard as fuck to win otherwise

i think it was an interesting roll this time


also I was concerned about the one less VT, but the game ended up kinda funny. n1 mafia rb nyte, then day2 the doc saved her target so the sk was kinda not known till day 4 really.

That’s how daily mafia did it. Just an Excel spreadsheet with winrates and stuff. I think it did good for the community

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Daily mafia? Never heard of that one lmao. But yeah we put a pin in this idea ever since we started having goy problems. Maybe its a good time to consider it again.

It was a webcam group

Might still be around actually

If I had unlimited time id go crash em all and drag the best fits here. Tell em theyre wasting their time playing w milquetoast libtard scrubbies and that they should posting where their based and redpilled selves would be appreciated :)

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Who’d she hit?

n1 was kyle n2 was bazinga.

how did people feel about me attempting 24 days to the best of my ability?

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I liked it. Just took a bit of getting used to figuring out who mafia are in one day rather than posting a bit, then revisiting the thread afterward.

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Times worked well for me

I was worried about the short days, but it worked out well.
Fun game. I can’t remember the last one that was so close.
Thx for hosting.

I wanted to build stats stuff but got sidetracked

I thought it needed to be part of mafiabot implementation because that’s where you already have programmatic access to game info and also could reduce some host workload by improving there

But then I also thought it shouldn’t be a bot it should be a ui

I am currently committed to only building things that I think will be funny because anything serious requires some collaboration here that ends up being frustrating

I need to add a few more commands. Stats is hard via the bot unless we always use a static setup. Not impossible just a heavy load on host.

Yeah I think as you build more complex things some of it just won’t work in the wilder setups

I was also thinking if we should not centralize stats or if having stats that do anything other than look at who was on what team and who won would be the wrong direction

Maybe a better solution is just to write a bunch of things that pull past game data, run them arbitrarily and then report them here

This is very doable but I found there was some weird discourse trouble when I started doing it

It might not like that old threads are combined. Interesting idea tho, I could just see determining wins to be a bit tricky when it comes to special roles like converted, 3p etc.

I think it would be a good idea to try and have the bot post game data at specific points to something that knows what peoples roles are and figures out stats from that. We still need to flesh out and clean up the bot before we add any stats shit tho, otherwise it’ll become a mess super quickly