Cooking thread

sounds dope as fuck, maybe i'll try making that at home for myself some time

cooked meat for the first time in a while
a nice chicken sauce with indian twist, works with pasta and rice

chicken ribs chopped
onions and garlic
red lentils
red peppers
red curry paste
cheddar cream (or coconut milk or whatever)
cherry tomatoes (add last, don't chop)
spices to your taste (chili, ground pepper, ginger, turmeric, herbs, salt)

super fast and tasty

making a mushroom risotto tonight wish me luck i will post pics never done this before so i imagine i might fuck it up.

i lied got talked into going out will make tomorrow

risottos are pretty easy you should have that in the bag

yea i think just dont be impatient is the only thing

Making cake over the next two days. Cake done.
Just need to make filling and frosting.
Filling will probably be raspberry jam. Maybe ganache frosting?
Tried to make pudding but I burn it :( can't whisk fast enough cuz hands

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mmm ganache

Cake was a big hit. Skipped the filling. Frosting was shit. Just had ice cream and cake.

Tomorrow I'm making pork butadon for my landlords weab ass kid.

making scallops for dinner tonight

Man the last few time I've had divers scallops I've been so disappointed. Hope your endeavor goes well.

i do the Chrissy tiegen thing with mine and theyre always good

this is what i ended up with. It was pretty good i def learned a lot and will do it differently next time. It was good but a little bland. I used the lil bits of the scallops and white wine to make like a reduction/sauce and drizzled it on top but forgot to take a picture after.

  1. gotta use more salt in the risotto
  2. gotta use more cheese in the risotto
  3. i think if i cook the scallops at a higher temp ill get more of that golden brown look i want, but they still tasted good esp with the sauce.

oh also my plating sucks but who gafs about that

season to taste before plating nerd EZPZ

Had a pina colada at the beach for the first time a month ago at the beach. Wasn't bad. Gonna try and make some once the pineapple I have freezes. Gonna start drinking straight rum in the mean time.

o i haven't really fucked wiht making drinks much i should tho.

i dont really drink but would be nice to make for friends.

POur alcohol up ur ass

i saw a guy do that in college once it was both hilarious and terrifying

seems awful also his intestines were fucked for a while.