COVID-19 isn’t real

without my job, my gym, my hobbies, my life, the ability to breathe fresh air and eat healthy foods, i am nothing. thats why i feel this way. please understand.

you'd be even more nothing if you were hooked up to a ventilator unable to see any family the entire time.

Except it doesn't work. I get to shit on him and feel good about it, but then some other users (hbotz, supa) look right past it and still take what asoul posted as fact. Same shit with me linking the full Floyd transcripts and highlighting the relevant parts: they're dismissed out of pocket by asoul and plasma, both arguing that the transcripts show the cops were in the right and weren't intentionally trying to hurt him.

The Popper argument is proven true: they operate in their own tautological framework which can only ever conclude their outcomes, so actual evidence changes nothing.

For asoul, I doubt he actually believes it: he just keeps posting it because he knows it can galvanize people like plasma, refpsi, and hbotz/supa. The last two are what's scary and why I think moderation needs to step in here: those two people aren't wholly indoctrinated like refpsi/numeta/plasma, but asoul doing his "trolling" under the guise of seriousness actually does perpetuate harm in making people believe that bullshit.

yes but how can the government stop me from that fate if im choosing to willingly go outside and lvie my life. I have that freedom. I know i am healthy enough to recover, and i will respect those who are scared and cannot. but i must live my life.

i;ve been working and training in my gym and enjoying what i can the whole pandemic. I am blessed every day because i dont know what i would do if i couldnt.

because its not just you who suffers from you catching and spreading a deadly virus.

when you catch covid it isnt just you who suffers. the hospital who has to take care of you, the people you spread it to because i can already tell you arent the type to quarantine.

the government isn't taking rights AWAY from you they're PROTECTING your rights and everyones elses right to LIVE

Yeah, I guess this is the flip side of the coin. Those that tends towards his view get further indoctrinated, those that don't tend towards being more informed and gaining a stronger ability to make persuasive counterarguments when they see that shit in the future.

I'd assume this is why major social media is moving towards flagging/tagging things as misleading/not factual info: it gets that out there and then allows the benefits of the discussions debunking it

speaking real w u for a moment refpsi I wonder if you ever properly question the stuff you read on pol just by virtue of them being who they are versus you being who you are. you've experienced strife that most of them have never been through and worked harder than most of them have, so doesn't it feel kind of ingenuine to parrot their talking points? like I can't say for sure that a majority of them aren't working class but I feel like they are probably mostly whites that are better off as a whole than 'people like you'; they likely never worked a job in their life and are just sucking their parents teet, and you're furthering their off base words by respewing them and insisting there's a lot of truth to them when there isn't?

i'll recover at home.

i dont get why we have millions out of work for a virus with a .04% death rate. Medical malpractice kills more people a year.

like for example how can you buy all the race realist garbage when you know that whites are generally better off than poc and have safety nets so they don't have to fall back on illicit means to provide for their family or whatever?

I'm just genuinely curious how you end up that way. did your father encourage racist beliefs growing up and regularly played Uncle Tom to the white man? Have you been wronged by enough poc in your life and simultaneously been underexposed to enough legit Y Tees to think the way you do?

He says we can't trust the CDC so fuck quarantining, I point out how the CDC is gamed and deflating stats, and he just ignores all that and moves on to something else.

See what I mean about the futility of evidence with this kind of stuff, @SOPHIE?

higher death rate if it weren't the case because we don't test as well or take other precautions that other nations do. nice comfy white collar jobs are possible to be done from home while a majority of poor jobs are not. pushing people go back to work just seems like a nice excuse for class warfare to me, versus giving proper benefits to those who can't work right now, because they weren't even making that much going to work in the first place

yeah I just wonder if there's any way to appeal to them, and if there isn't, is there others who are deriving benefit from reading your futile efforts besides me?

edit: more I think about it the more I think we could make a thread polling this to see how others feel

I've wasted enough time today on roomtempiqfpsi tbh I'll be back later when there's hopefully more variety of opinion aswell

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if we had more diversity of opinion than obviously good and bad that would be nice. I mean let's be honest refpsis posts are just a jumping board with how I've been talking about them and that 2 decent posters would be a decent exchange for his, but how do we make that a reality? or is there maybe like exchange student programs but exclusively in regards to forum posting

maybe I will reach out to stormfront and we can trade refpsi for a stronger opponent for ewiz to knock over

this thread is a joke thread. it can be safely removed. i think you can also safely remove covid disinformation as a public interest.

its better to just post the counterargument for race realism, etc. and imo asoul barely posts anything demonstrably false. he is just mildly conservative. like he is cherrypicking examples of protest violence from twitter. just like how you guys cherrypick examples of police violence from twitter. i think the police are more violent than protestors but if we are talking integrity of information provided there isnt much of a difference here


NAdota baited again