Covid 19 - Mental Health

Also shitty when you tie a tshirt around your face. People judge you cuz you dont have a mask. Its fucking maddening

most conscious 105+iq people I know have a ton of masks at this point

I refuse to let the government artificially boost the mask market so I do not participate in it

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Wore a mask. Had an anxiety attack. Never again

i had purchased masks from china 6 months prior to covid to see if my local air would dirty the filter. One mask came with blood on it. Fuck that noise

idk i think its ok to be a conformist and tie a tshirt around ur face or something

if ur gonna take a stand on something this seems to be a strange hill to die on

Don't wear anything on your face. It looks totally stupid and people will think you are weird

I hate how face tats have normalized this

Why am I literally the only person I know who cannot wear glasses with a mask? I've tried everything. Like 8 different masks, 3 different pairs of glasses, shaving cream, dish soap, face positioning, everything. If I have a mask on my glasses are coated with thick fog and I am entirely unable to see.

I had to order contacts to survive this crap.

Just pull it down so your nose can breathe or add some air vents. You have to vent the steam

You need better masks with proper clips. Use a mask extender/ear saver to better position. Use boob tape on your nose. If you don't have a girlfriend with large boobs (humble brag) use double-sided tape / athlete's tape.

thats pretty shitty

doesnt count if shes fat

The only way I could make it work was with a bandana

wtf is boob tape and why are we bragging about large tits. i hope everyone realizes that, as with everything, too big Does exist.

also, my glasses don't fog (i have a handmade cotton mask). just don't be a mouth breather.

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I'm not a mouth breather

Yeah, wearing masks correctly covers your nose, so I have no idea what mouth breathing has to do with it. It's the fitting on the bridge of your nose, so large glasses will fuck up. I use a bandana because that way I can put it right above the tip of my nose and angle it down so it ties on the back of my neck below my ears. Only thing that worked

Tape for nipples essentailly

not for men with man brain

Its getting bad. Anyone who says something to me abt mask or w.e i just snap and call them a commie and say they are power tripping