
Why do I respond to alightsoul? Nmagane? Big-benny? I don’t know. Deep down, I guess I enjoy it

Well in the case of cryo I’ll agree, because the intent of cryo is actually to slow down certain regulatory pathways or stop them completely. But in general medicine I disagree, a huge amount of medication is just activating/deactivating pathways, they just aren’t marketed like that because nobody wants to know how aspirin binds to X preventing the XY complex which prevents this, prevents that, etc. They just want to know that it prevents pain. I think things that seem more “pseudosciency” have to go into a little more detail on how it works because they are operating at a disadvantage, they are new and people don’t fully believe in the treatment. Pretty much everyone believes in aspirin.

This is not to say that a lot of “new age medicine” or whatever isn’t pseudoscience bullshit.

Also if you mean specifically the “activating pathways in the brain” thing then yeah I agree that’s just what people like jdance type when they don’t know what they’re even discussing and/or trolling.


You’ve been stricken from the goy club registrar (though, to be fair, I’m quite certain only a select few individuals are or will be official goy club members which, as yet, was not inclusive of you)

That’s exactly what I meant. Saying something cures shit and is good for you because it “activates pathways” with no further specificity is a big red flag that it’s pseudoscience

This is a big blow to jdance I'm sure. Hope he's doing ok.

The audience is filling with Irish men in skirts and those hold-it-up-yourself mini-pianos, the normally dressed and regularly diversed ensemble of the audience are leaving in a single-file line, depictable on a graph by a straight downward line inverse to the binary state of DEEPTHROAT’S .isTyping() return response. Another graph shows the inverse relation but depicts the decibels being measured in the room over time, the sound nearing a line marked OPERATION SILENT WHISTLE. It’s nearly unbearable now. Some members of the audience have their hands over their ears, their ear drums have burst, they join the single file line headed to the parking lot but are replaced immediately by two more Irish men with ear plugs, and then when it’s too loud for even them, four Irish men with soundproof headsets. The problem is exponential now. The sound blares a constant shockwave, leveling trees and houses, debris pushes out in a ring following the growing circumference of the shockwave eminating from what would be called Ground Zero. The ring of debris grows until it meets water, and in a feat unseen since Moses, displaces water away from it’s source. Ocean levels rise worldwide. It’s a global phenomenon now.


Graphs, you say?
I know someone who is very good with charts, and echarts myself.

I’ve never had a board ceritied doctor tell me I should pay +$100 to get liquid nitrogen sprayed on me. Just saying

I know a couple street doctors and they don’t recommend that stuff either so…

Youre not funny nor a neuroscientist.

That may be true but sadly I can read. So far it has potential beneficial effects but there is insufficient evidence. Soooooooo

Remember to activate your almonds

You don’t even know what’s good for you.


For example, you probably think this is good for you.

Simple carbs and fat? Good caloric intake for survival

Ersu what’s your BMI. If it’s below jdance’s theres certainly some irony here.

Mines 25.3

Excuse me I gotta take the toxin pads off my feet. Did you know that the toxics are pulled down by gravity and settle in your feet if you stand on them for long enough?
Read about it in a journal made by an infomercial company.