Dentist robbery


No, it’s easy for me to get a job here. When the entire city is unemployable it is pretty easy…

If I were to live in a “nice” big city then I’d be fucked for sure because then all the easy overpayed monkey jobs would be taken by shitty college students already

How are the Romanians? Amicable people?

They work extremely hard and they are very kind, helpful and well meaning. It is very surprising actually. But most of them are 40 years and above so that probably has something to do with it

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They are so gypsies and steal at every opportunity

At this point I’m not sure why they bother hiring anything else other than romanians when they clearly outclass everyone else

Well aside from the electricians and the mechanics and all the other real jobs

They probably have Diversity Quotas to fill.

There is not a single woman in the factory and it’s a really large factory

There are a few in the separate office building and there’s a cleaning lady that works there every other day but that’s it

Wow. There needs to be a Women in Factories movement. There’s clearly some discrimination happening here.

Some old guy told me that back when he started they had women doing the job I do now and they’d do 17-20 pallets a day. I do 6 and the romanians do 8…

I’ve never ever seen this many romanians in one place before. I’m not sure where they come from. I never even considered that we’d have that many of them in this country because you never see them.

+1 Romanians redid the shingles on my roof and also bought a broken down moped I had sitting in the backyard for a reasonable price on their way out

It might be like a chinatown or little italy kind of thing where all romanians in sweden just happened to settle down in this little hell hole village/town where the factory is

Tfw undont pay for dentist care bcuz ur dada friend is a dentist xdd

My dad and brother are dentists and I havent gone to a dentist ever


I have perfect health in all aspects.