dungeon mafia

I don’t think anyone read Klaze as mafia except for maybe gwez

My reads on Ogre were: Amer, Bazingaboy or you

None of you (Matticus+Asoul) would’ve lynched me before MyLo

It’s hard to say what would have happened especially given the state of the game and host but I’ve already told you I think you would have won.

I think Klaze would have died to the second raccoon benny mentioned in the EOD2 post

Of course it’s possible that I die to a random host troll, you can’t take that into consideration

it’s hard to say what sort of plot Big Benny had laid out for us here as he’s such an imaginative and unpredictable person

however I do believe his heart is good and in the end he would not have let the town succumb to the evil powers of Gnomes and Ogres

I was. I made up my item.

Kind of suspected that.

Well done

Smart play.

Thought I could.do better but that poll shit just fucked me

And Gamut also made up his Scroll use? I don’t get that. After I saw Dan doing it I posted at EOD2 that I noticed a pattern and would have suspected Gamut after that.

BTW playing this made me feel it would be fun to play an even more plot-driven setup on this forum, without the troll host

like imagine your mafia game actually has a story and you’re actually crawling a dungeon

with like rats and shit

Literally had to rotate my phone constantly to add polls.

Yeah he missed the fact that he couldn’t kill and use items at once

I made up someore ones in nadota. Had like multiple page word docs.

Did we get a confirmed scum.list.

I was leaning gamut but life was hard on vacay+ polls.

It was me, dan, nma and gamut

Nice we was in the up and up