Dungeons and Dragons

It would be as active as you want it to be honestly. I Invision the game thread is only for in character posting and dice rolls. Out or character communication would be handled in a group pm or discord.

But yeah we would derfine basic guidelines once there is enough interest

I’d like character sheets hosted somewhere I have access to online.

dndbeyond would be ideal but I’ll need to see if I can get the content in there. Might ask my friend to help me out.

Integrate dnd tools in namafia website

-Build namafia dnd suite?

1 Like

Dan’s on it

It would just be a bitch to integrate all the DND resources

If you need a digital copy, instead of your physical ones. books


-namafia dnd suite
-argue with nmagane and/or ewiz
-mafia plugin (lowest priority)
-HotS (highest priority)


If you are at all interested. type sign or something. I’ll start working on concepts/plans. PRobably going to use a WOTC module.


you know im always down to pretend im someone else

What’s the reading requirement/projected time committment

Something we can talk about but I was picturing something small maybe a post a day or two but would love more. Some times my replays could take a but. But like when we get in combat I expect that to be much higher. Stricly roleplay posts maybe 1 or 2 a day? What are your thoughts?

There are literally hundreds of book here, guy

Which one teaches me how to make a character

fifth edition -> core -> players handbook