Explanations For How Dota2 Got So Bad

They make more from Steam™ than from any game.
They don't care about games anymore.

30% cut. Apples in hot water for that right now lol

Apple don't deserve the 30% cut because their products suck.
I'm not saying Steam fully deserves it, but they have a lot more justification for taking a bigger revenue share.

i mean atleast valve isnt scared of competition

Wtf are you ■■■■■■■ lamenting about? It's still Dota I can still do my sand king right click build from fucking 16 years ago

No she wouldnt.


Cocaine diet, he can afford it

i feel like theres been a paradigm shift in r/dota2, as if overnight, every person posting there got skinsuited. Before, it was just a bunch of soys from NA + UK posting some PC bullshit or tournament player slurping, 5 digit hours 3 digit MMR posting with 5% of posts being some idiot posting his dumb dota tattoo. Now its just a bunch of disgusting brown 3rd world teenagers posting their epic ifunny memes that are so poorly edited, stuff that is genuinely too bad for even mspaint, it would make you think the that the only people who play this game now are street shitting third worlders. I think the people who moderated r/dota2 did silent quitting and about 90% of the total posts that would have never seen the light of day, the trash posts that would have otherwise been jannied, are now littering the streets for all to see. Its joever dotards, time to find another hobby.

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Your wrong.

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(disgusting brown 3rd worlder)


All of those are false.

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This is the true playerbase of dota. What you are seeing is the expiry of this dota fad among the white 1st world population and its return to its roots (internet cafes in developing countries) which I think is natural and beautiful. Finally there will be something worthwhile on this reddit and not just the vapid musings of some white guy who is failing out of college on arcane differences between level 7 skill builds of venomancer or something

All of the best posters on the old NADota were 3rd worlders

bayonettahasnoass - from Sweden or something, some nordic 3rd world country where they dont shower and streets are overtaken by migrants

grandgrant - extremely sad (even viscerally disgusting) account when it was run by grant, skinny white us high school dropout and nonfunctioning alcoholic who couldnt spell

grandgrant, when Sumail was posting from the account - brilliant, insightful, poor grasp of the english language masterfully disguised by the account's reputation for incoherent one-liners and bizarre sentence structure

KZZ - young Iranian boy, fought his whole life for a chance at success, climbed the ladder as an academic at a well-known boston-area university only to be cast out for his unorthodox beliefs and unusual way of speaking, turned to NADota as an outlet for his inexhaustible intellect

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Jdance - white, pizza delivery boy from Wisconsin, his only posts are about cryptocurrency and locking his phone in tupperware so he can't jack off

Kaptenrobert - from a third world country where they don't have running water, built a house with his own hands and posted photos, accomplished blacksmith. Consistently interesting posts from a world completely alien to our own



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This is how DoTA was meant to be played.

Every Dota match which is not played like this is a sin against the founding principles of the game