fuck the police general

Yes he is. The negative implications of otherization is the marginalizing of the Other and pushing them to the fringes of society. That's why asoul says that otherizing cops is bad. Hint: these words have very precise meanings and asoul is ignoring half of the meaning and using what's advantageous, despite that making the entire concept null.

Stop talking about shit you don't understand

hbotz what shape is the earth?

idk i just think theres no reason to listen to this guy because the rhetorical tactics show his heart is not in the right place. theres not even a semblance of good faith, hes just trying to win the internet argument. so theres no reason to expect his internet argument is correlated with the truth at all.

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Sorry that it's impossible to have a coherent argument with someone that doesn't understand the very basic concepts he's trying to talk about.


explain to me how what you've just said demonstrates ewiz is incorrect in his approach

is he incorrect for not ackowledging that asoul is operating under less informed opinions?

This is ewiz on his best behavior. He hasn't even told you to kill yourself yet

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why do you think you're so special, to be saying these things, when you've done horrible harassing shit before? plenty?

no. asoul is not the one abusing definitions. hes trying to communicate an idea with the word otherization. you have made some extra assertions he didn't agree to like

The negative implications of otherization is the marginalizing of the Other and pushing them to the fringes of society.

then proceed as if this is an agreed-upon notion of the word otherization.

its equivocation.

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You need to look within yourself if you want to have future arguments with me.

Read this book


And then we'll have some more conversations

Do you even know what good faith vs bad faith means? Hint: it's not bad faith to tell you you're wrong and explain exactly why that is

ok so you're saying you have to establish semantics in order to have "real"(good faith/good heart) discussions

oh my god there are two alightsouls

@electrowizard read the required text before you continue posting here:


I want to swat it like a fly

I have accepted the first alightsoul but I cannot take a second one nope nope

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You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Asoul is saying that otherizing cops is bad because it casts them as the big O Other, so society can enact violence upon them and marginalize them. That's his argument. He takes the negative effects of otherization from the theory, but then neglects the foundations that allow those claims of negative effects to be made

Big O other? What?

that was an anime i watched

just saying


there is some social theory of otherization that ewiz is referring to. actually, i dont know if it actually exists, but out of respect for ewiz lets assume it does.

asoul says "you are otherizing the police, which is a facist tactic".

now possibly you could make a proper argument that "actually, facists otherize people by marginalizing them. this does not apply to police because they are in a position of power. otherizing people is problematic when facists do it because of the power structure."

this might even be true. then you can debate the characteristics of facism and whether otherizing is acceptable outside of marginalization contexts. but ewiz just does a "yep the word otherization is wrong here go read a book" which is an equivocation tactic designed to discredit the opposition without bringing up the actual point of disagreement (the characteristics of facism)

Are you guys also assuming that asoul is arguing in good faith? Hehe stupid libs

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