fuck the police general

I'd rather not be microchipped. Thanks!

Anti-vaxx is easy because we're all opposed to it

But when I say the same thing is happening with young people and "white privilege," anti-cop violence, intersectionality on twitter people want to have a 1400-post discussion about it

Covid vaccine feels kinda rushed and unsafe. Facts have been stretched about covid and safety basically since it started so I think it's reasonable to want to at least let somebody else go first when it comes to the vax

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well, theres also the effect that shaming anti-vaxx people wont un-anti-vaxx them.

i swear nobody every tries to change anyone's mind. its all preaching to the choir. everyone is politicking and nobody cares about justice. justice is less anti-vaxxers, not more bullying of anti-vaxxers.

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i feel like there's probably books we could all read about how to argue with people without making them even more planted in their own gravel

but i wont read them.

i think the probability is very low the covid vaccine will be actually harmful so i think there is no reason not to get it. but i will have to see the opinions floating around if/when it comes out.

I think the actual solutions aren't to talk to people or convince them of things, they are to live life and learn from it

define low

"Would you take an X% chance to be maimed in some capacity for the remainder of your life"

whats the highest % you'd go

plus its very likely the vaccine will cost me at least a $30 copay, and with the reduced unemployment i dont think i can quite do that

actually i wont have insurance by then

you have to consider the alternative. over the next few years there will be potentially be a high chance of getting covid, multiplied by the chance of complications from covid. so the expected protection the vaccine might offer from that is what you should be comparing to against the chance of complications from a vaccine.

not really considering this right now. we'll know more about long term complications from covid in the future

ah yes you should consider your financial situation as well but if you get covid you will take a much larger financial hit than $30 so...

i hope they subsidize the vaccine.

i highly doubt for young people its much to worry about though based off my ged education and 20k hours played in wow

but even if you dont know you still are tacitly guesstimating by taking the action of not getting a vaccine.

as soon as the vaccine comes out you should seriously think about even under the limited information conditions, imo. but you know your own circumstances better than mine ofc

Plus, I hate Needles. they make me feel itchy just looki at them

yeah i guess "just get covid lol" actually is a viable alternative to getting vaccinated :thinking:

no one i know has had it yet. could still be fake if i assume all of you arent real

even if someone you know "gets it", how do you know they arent just pretending???

this is a conspiracy by big pharma to make more money...