[GAME] Theatrical Performance, Grand Finale.

I feel dirty

i don’t think rose is gonna play here more anyway she didn’t seem into it

You’re dead to me

Did I win?

@Derumination, absolutely do not post pictures of PMs or post at night. Not the reason we lost, but that is game ruining

Klaze didn’t vote?


I don’t understand how

There was no information gained

It’s a matter of delicate psychological influence - just don’t do it.

Yes there is. It’s a huge metatell

My d1 was ewiz Rora and Ian.

I never felt like rora played very townie. Ian was like 100% on his first post and ewiz agreed WAY too quickly with Benny jumping on klaze.

I’m not joking I actually don’t understand how

The votes are already public

I wasn’t in day 1

No they aren’t. Your history of switching votes wasn’t public

If the votes weren’t public I wouldn’t have done it

There is zero knowledge gained from that screenshot

I’m taking a firm stance here

The information is that you hesitated on who to vote.