How much should I tip my waiter/waitress thread

Can someone tell me if that math checks out?


Ask for her Instagram

I don’t have that.

Ask for her hand in marriage



Can I be a badass with no Instagram?

I don’t have an insta


I do have a Snapchat tho

do the BSJ

“You’re cute, I’m cute, let’s exchange phone numbers”

What if it’s fake? Should I call her right when she gives it to me to make sure she’s not lying to me?

if it’s fake then u move on duh

I don’t know if I could move on from something like that.

Just don’t fuck up and get it in

I panicked thinking of a pickup line so I just asked if she knew how to tie shoes??? She said yeah and then tied my shoe for me, it was really awkward. I left and forgot to pay. Holy fuck that was embarrassing I don’t know what to do should I go back in?

i think this is the point u pull out ur 9 and put a bullet in ur brain cause theres no saving u
