How's your DotA going?

current cancerous heroes:

templar assassin

super cheesy 10th pick “i’m so good xd” heroes:
templar assassin

honestly treant is so miserable to lane against. he does so much right click damage and heal it makes 0 sense. And necro seems to be the hero right now, i’ve seen it in like the past 10 games. specs been broken and is currently the best carry hero u can pick. it’s pretty much free mmr if u had a decent start and the game extends past 30 minutes

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cm is in every game now as well thanks to reddit

also clinkz mid is some cancerous shit. that hero gets a +30 damage orb walk ability at level 1


at least cm needs some finesse. u cant jsut pick that shit and win like the aformentioned heroes

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i’d say it’s the opposite, every mongoloid can pick cm and spam their q while providing mana to the entire team. heroes like TA/brood/meepo requires the player to be at least decent

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i have two main problems with talents

one is that many of them cause heroes to snowball way too hard

another is that a lot of late game talents act as passes to play like an idiot

one example is brew’s perma ult

either way they’ve ironically made the game infinitely more boring for me than it was previously

talents aren’t my only issue though, a lot of hero and item changes (some i’ve complained about previously, some i have not) were straight unnecessary and didn’t serve any purpose other than to buff heroes and playstyles that didn’t need buffs and nerf heroes and playstyles that didn’t need nerfs

the introduction of talents REALLY muddled how valve handles balance though. like, if you thought they were bad before, now look at all the shit they need to juggle to make the game playable. and so far they’ve been failing if you ask me

if you’re fine with this then cool, but personally all this did was alienate me from a game i’ve played for over a decade. valve has prioritized switching their game up sporadically to draw new players in over actually balancing their game, which i find really slimy. i was ready to leave anyway though

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Agreed, it’s why I’d rather play heroes of the shit. New items are cool but this new approach to hero balance seems really screwy

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I like talents


play HEROES OF NEWERTH so you can Level STATS. Valve STOLE this feature from us for no reason. CANT Level Stats.

yeah safe lane is pretty bad right now I mostly played mid in other patches but the best lane to play right now is offlane for sure if the enemy support is a weak lane support it just ends up turning into either a kill lane or the enemy carry has to sit under tower. Spec is bullshit though I had a game where offlane beat my ass and all I did was go full ricer mode and hit r as often as possible to get that sweet aoe gold and the other team just couldn’t do anything past like 30 mins


Safe lane is just hoping the other teams carry gets shit on harder than you and hoping the other team forgets about you for 10 minutes after the laning phase is over


also I went blink bkb aghs sf with an axe on my team and did like 48k hero damage lol

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offlane wk is some of the most fun ive had in dota

that hero is fucking broken with the skeleton changes

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my smurf just went 5.4>4.5 because in 3 of my calibration games my pc crashed and i got abandons in all 3. also got lp after the last one. these are sad times

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Feel you man. Had almost the same Shit happen to me and then you have to play lowprio with legit scum

i thought you got two free abandons before you got low prio so long story short i now have low prio


Lich mid.

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it doesnt even show me 2018 lol

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after losing ~600 mmr im just tryna play this game for fun (especially since the patch is so random).
I now only play pudge and if its banned i just pick whatever
I learned that pudge is broken as hell
heres a pic from 48 mins into my game

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slay all windrunner pickers

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