I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood


look for money laundering spots, they usually got blacked out windows and shit, there is a spot on my bloc kthat throw out like 20lb of fresh food a day

At the end of the night when they close look type thing?

nah catch the garbage schedule they put it out like an hour or two before.some wil lbe open while they taking out trash

Ah. I'll still just check some time I guess lol

Yeah getting another job and having a boss that can testify that you are doing a good job would look good in court if your previous boss throws shade on you for why he fired you.

its not bad at all, i get what they paid 40 bucks for for free.

i will never surrender my old life. rather hustle the streets and do side work til my bosses man up and give me my life back cuz they made millions off of me.


You are proud of being a subhuman?

Yes it is a label for the men who arent free to use on me while i take them down for their immoral business practices.

No, you're just a subhuman eating from trash cans like the animal you are.

hope you feel that way about every homeless man, if not your words will wash off like your sins.

eating that 5 star out the dumpster, you paying 200 for a BITCH at a restaurant who aint gonan fuck you

then imma eat your left overs toooo

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and prob fuck that same bitch u was rolling with toooooooooooooo

Please stop telling the unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic to kill himself


Fetishizing your "struggle" and rejection of society makes you no different than the people you think you're better than.

Was this directed at me or him?

yes sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that what my bosses labeled me except im still here and I'll never kill myself, so wHEN I TAKE DOWN THIS CRIME SYNDICATE SINGLE HANDEDLY YOU WILL BEAR WITNESS.