I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

Different school tho right? If it is it’s a different thing. Can’t let high school define you

It doesn’t feel like larp if you watched his lil videos. He types like he is. Bronx boy

elementary school. public school.

different school im fighting a charter school.

I am a true visionary of the times.

Yes you are big guy yes you are.

i lost my phone, i dont know if someone stole it or not but if anyone can pay my internet bill i am hoping a good samaritan will return it, the bill just expired and i dont hjave enough to pay it.

its a 45 dollar bill, im trying to get acp.

i cry eeveryday fam


Really stay sitting looking back at my life. i just cant explain why the world did this to me to try and make me homeless. im just happy im still in my crib tryna be thankful. i still havent figured out the phone stuff because its so damn hard to get passed the automatic answering machine.

Ur not making any sense anymore man.

they money launder through the trash.
they all share the same property rentals and have my bosses forced to renting to their clients through a UCC they passed on theem when they went under.
they slander me and record me
they hate me.
they give out counterfeit change
they are in control of my whole neighborhood.

I wanted to help this guy he asked for some money to pay for random shit that might get his phone back

Then something about it was for internet. And then he was talking about how he's on hold with some phone company yet he doesn't have a phone. Dunno man.

Ur going bonkers Refpsi

When even plasma realizes you're a shizo or bad larper

My phone got lost right as my internet bill had to be paid. Which for whatever reason was synced with my mobile phone having to be paid. so i ended up finessing the money for my interneet bill and attempted to track my phone with googles spy shit but since i never logged into my main gmail on that phone, nothing showed.

So i ended up paying my accounts phonebill to make sure it had servicee and have been attempting to call it to see if a good person would return it, both options failed.

now whenever i go to the phonestore for whatever reason and tell them my phone number they are saying i just pop up as prepaid customer which is complete bullshit because when it happened to me last time, i purposely added my name and stuff to the account but for some reason that shit just disapppeared. and whenever i call customer service i cant even get passed the automatic operating machine. its like damn near impossible but im hoping it was just beecause i was calling on saturday sunday and MLK day so now im heading to the phone store again today.

how do you call customer service with no phone

been borrowing the phones store dads phone friends phone moms phone type shit.

good news on the progress went today to a good store the guy was able ot update my account and give me a new sims unfortunately my phone was too old so im going to get a newer one/replacement and go from there. with updating the sims. my account info is set properly now so im happy.

Like I said there are cheap phones on Amazon. $30. Smart phones start at like $60

yea thats what im finna do but first checking my network of homies to see if they have a back up phone i can save the 30 bucks that way.

yea boyy my homei holding it down with a oneplus 6