I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

i think i tossed my pile of shitty phones when i was dead broke

ive got one left in decent condition. I got a new one thinking i lost it when i was drunk.

no worries my boy is giving me one. im good for now.


I just cracked my phone screen this week and I'm probably gunna upgrade. It's a samsung galaxy s9+. I would legit ship it to you if you can convince me this whole ordeal is real.

find out how charter schools operate as non profit but can be operated out from a condominium which involves private ownership allowing investors to take over property from the shadows.

nobody can understand you anymore

That was the best response to “prove this is real”

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Now figure out why he mentions charter schools being pushed in poor neighborhoods. Or better yet why he mentioned my neighborhood the south bronx.

i have the school's tax records, they hide 80 million in assets when reporting to the board of education. but reveal it on their personal non profit taxes

Bruh unless you have racks bags or stacks to fight this. Ur fucked.

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dont need racks to explain in the supreme court how a political crime syndicate got my bosses under duress hence why im in housing court.

They have a lady literally called the community relations manager they sit her to live in one of the buildings owned by the syndicate and her job is basically to spy and find out who is who in the neighborhood and stop dissenters aka stop men like refpsi from finding out.

but i have their tax records already.

You kinda do xD

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i aint scared.

Sigh. Ur ego isn't getting it.

bro im him.

You may be suffering from some type of psychosis and having delusions of grandeur


if you are a underprivileged minority and you think you have an open and shut civil case theres probably some really good resources you can apply to to get good rep without going broke. def call up like NYCLU or a similar body

even the court appointed attorney is way better than self rep. i have literally never heard of someone self-representing with 0 law xp and having it go well. probably doesn't really matter how great your case is