I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

Ah yes, the supreme court, where refpsi will just walk in and explain it all.

in his schizo head it's like court tv making the law of the land

And he gonna get judge Judy

Who is the syndicate

Are you trying to get him in more trouble? There is no way this ends well for him - I know you're trying to maximize KPIs, but don't encourage mental illness.
Any responsible person would've shut this thread down and probably banned him months ago, for the sake of the forum and Refpsi himself, but you and the rest of the forum staff clearly would rather get a kick out of his vulnerable state instead.

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He uses the site in a way that makes him feel better and isn't really causing anyone problems. Maybe you are projecting the idea that you get a kick out of seeing him vulnerable. As usual, I'm just trying to help!

You being a jokester aside, it's pretty obvious that that isn't the path when you realize banning him doesn't really do anything for him. The feedback he's gotten here seems pretty good and probably better than most sources he's relied on so far. The ban would not prevent him from falling deeper into whatever the heck's going on with him.

The only thing that would prevent him from falling deeper is INSTITUTIONALIZATION and MEDICATION.


Agreed. But it's his choice to get on that stuff here in the greatest country in the werld. I ain't snitchin

Enabling someone who is experiencing delusions can be harmful for several reasons:

Reinforcing False Beliefs: Delusions are often irrational and untrue beliefs that are not grounded in reality. Enabling someone in their delusions can reinforce these false beliefs, making it more difficult for them to distinguish between reality and their distorted perceptions.

Preventing Treatment: Enabling delusional thinking may discourage the individual from seeking or adhering to appropriate mental health treatment. It can contribute to a reluctance to engage in therapy, counseling, or take prescribed medications that could help manage or alleviate their symptoms.

Isolation: Encouraging or enabling delusional beliefs can isolate the individual from friends, family, and support networks. Others may find it challenging to relate to or understand the person's distorted view of reality, leading to strained relationships and social withdrawal.

Escalation of Symptoms: Enabling delusions may contribute to the escalation of symptoms or the development of more severe psychological distress. Without intervention and support, the individual's mental health may deteriorate over time.

Risk of Harm: In some cases, delusions can lead to behaviors that pose a risk to the person or others. Enabling such behaviors without appropriate intervention may increase the likelihood of harm, either to the individual experiencing the delusions or to those around them.

It's important to approach individuals experiencing delusions with empathy and care, but it's equally important to encourage them to seek professional help. Mental health professionals are trained to assess and address delusional thinking through various therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, and supportive interventions. If you know someone who is struggling with delusions, encourage them to speak with a mental health professional for a proper evaluation and guidance.

Actually Enabling: Telling refpsi self-representation is fine, telling refpsi everyone else is deluded
Reality of This Thread: People telling refpsi he is deluding himself, self-representation isn't fine, expressing concern that his situation isn't real

I'm really not trying to be a jokester. 500 posts of this shit is more than enough - he is asymptotically approaching suicide if we don't contact his family and get him real help.

I'm trying to visualize the graph you're describing but I'm having some trouble. if you could provide one with asymptotes included I would appreciate it.

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How is ■■■ so sure of himself lol wtf dude

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Can't you just sill road him some ketamine?

i just got my new phone. thee syndicate is the blackstone and the funders of the charter school who back ritchie torres.

torries are the Canadian crime syndicate. They own one of the monopolies over our telecoms. Rogers.

Idk I’m happy to be proven wrong by a nontroll tho

Also you missed the 2018 refpsi arc and I could wrong but I feel like barring access from the site wouldn’t do anything for him besides take his diary outlet away. I don’t think he’s being corrupted by anyone here or would become better through disuse of the site.

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i am going to save every super in new york city.

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