I uncovered a money laundering political crime syndicate in my neighborhood

If i pull this off and prove corrupt and shady real estate deals cost me my job i can save him too. Fired supers lose their jobs and their homes across NYC — Queens Daily Eagle

it is a big issue that needs awareness raised to it.

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being a martyr is fun and cool and it does seem like a big issue -- but it's really dumb to believe that you can change it by yourself in no time -- not to mention the numeta off-classing as a lawyer strat that will never work in the real world.

that doesnt mean you cant change that part of the world. you can in the future, but only if you take care of yourself and take the most rational steps in your personal and legal life to remedy your problems. figure out your situation, take whatever victory you can in your current situation and come back when you are basically batman

this is not matyring. this is a final stand. And yes having worked unvaxxed and being too good to be fired for it. i believe i have been placed in an opportunity to pull this off. i only got fired for 8 million dollars after all lmfao.

in the mean time find the rest ofthe justice league cuz one batman can't fix tghat shit either

Relax. I got this. I might be schizo but i can pull this off.

no you can't. you're expecting to 1v9 in a game that you don't even know the rules for, with a case that doesn't seem relevant to the housing/work situation you described before. you need professional (legal) help to pull this off

Imma pop a bkb on them.

name 1 bkb courtmove

I found out kuckner marino winiarsky who is handling my eviction taught landlords the legal loop hole to raise rent control pricing by 20 % and he is not even my bosses usual lawyer, yet hes handling my eviction.

im not fit to give you legal advice but im pretty sure that garbage is totally inadmissible in court. you need records, statements, witnesses, etc

its not your time big bro

I have all of that.

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Trying to speak rationally to a paranoid schizophrenic. Thats a bold strategy cotton lets see how it pays off

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my bosses call me that too and its illegal to fire people on grounds of mental illness in new york state.


im going in 6 slotted, they think their little team can handle me.

i wasn't gonna but plasma was based and led the way. i agree that it's not really good for refpsi if no one pushes back on the dumb shit

relax keep pushing but when i win ya gonna wonder how i pulled it off.

my resolve is peaking. my strength unmatched, my knowledge is capable of pulling it off, it not me, maybe i can at least pass the torch,

HOW IS that an excuse for seeking consultation from multiple parties tho.