Israel Discussion Thread

keep doing u refpsi

lmfao so i make valid points nad suddenly im a moron.

its amazing how much you guys resort to attacking my intellect rather than attempting to reason.
You could of easily said," im aware there are exceptions to this, but understand that even though im jewish i don’t feel its right to attack jews or anyone based off of a few single lines of a religous book."

But to say that would be admitting that those lines exist in the book and would be ultimately detrimental to your cause of believing that both sides are equally fucked up. and that anti semite is a blanket term for anything critical of israel. I have a right to dislike those who think they are superior to me based on their religion. It is the same right that causes the atheist to dislike Christians who think atheist are going to hell or being punished. But a jew will never admit that sometimes the goyim have a RIGHT to dislike certain aspects of their culture/being. Same way the Christain will tell the atheist hes going to hell and then expect the atheist not to be upset by his ideas.

To be honest I like arguing with you guys because you always resort to the same tactic of insults when im making valid points. and It just reminds me that I’m already ahead of you.


my arguments are more rational than 3 crazy faces. So i’m attempting to understand your point here, dont think the logical people will agree with you because you “lolrefpsi so funny n crazy”.

ive been reading you say batshit crazy things for years now and no matter how many solid arguments people have given you never actually change your batshit crazy opinions, so me arguing here is surely pointless and a waste of my time. no amount of logic or sound opinions will get through to you so ill call it life and just disagree and end it there.

The amount of crazy shit you say is just boggling, i dont really understand how a real person can say the shit you do but im not here to start some shit throwing contest so ill stop replying at this point.

he’s really stupid and brain-washed, don’t worry about it!

Nothing i say is crazy. I always backed it up and provided context.

I’m sure the one person who never provided any counter arguments, calls me stupid every chance he gets, and refuses to actually listen to what i have to say has no right to call me brainwashed.

let’s get this bag refpsi

These are the two essential points of this thread

its amazing how even when i remotely agree with these people, I’m still somehow brainwashed or stupid.

and they wonder why i get mad and say things like yea good job, bow to your masters, because obviously you guys are too dense to realize who owns you is who you cant criticize at all. And when i wrote critical of israel, in a thread in which people above me were posting their dislike for israeli war crimes, I’m still somehow brainwashed and stupid despite sharing a similar stance to them.

The only difference between the posters who were critical of israel are trying to separate Israeli actions from jewish actions. They are acting like these crimes have not been going on for decades and that these events are only recent, they suddenly feel the need to protect jews, by saying that israeli government isnt jewish. I’m sorry to tell you. but israel is a JEWISH country and its been a jewish country for as long as they’ve been committing war crimes. You just didnt hear about it, but Palestine has been bleeding land to israel for quite some time, and i can ensure you that they did not seize this land peacefully or within code.

the part people perceive as crazy is just the extent to which you believe the jewish conspiracy goes

agreement on criticism of israel (which im pretty sure literally everybody in this thread agrees with) doesnt stop them from thinking youre crazy for thinking most american jews are in on it and actively supporting the zionists through essentially psychological warfare

a disproportionate amount of rich old jews, maybe

but not the young, typical, sammyboy/huber jew

there are a lot of jew libs who became libs of their own accord through social circumstances, and not consciously in order to push the jewish agenda

jews are better at / more prone to supporting each other as a diaspora because the people have been a diaspora for longer

that doesnt make the whole thing a planned conspiracy

some of the rich jews are creeps

that doesnt make them an exception to rich and powerful people in general having a disproportionate amount of creeps

jews are disproportionately rich and powerful

see my first point; being culturally better at supporting each other and creating networks breeds more success

thank you, for actually having sense. I appreciate post like these.
I think most american jews are simply looking out for AIPAC and serving their interest as most people do, you should always favor your own interest and favor your kin.

And israel is the only jewish state so it makes sense that most would be favorable toward it.

And i do agree not every jew, and no i dont think sammyboy is some jewish supremacist. But as long as their book teaches that they are superior i dont like it. Same with muslims being able to lie to non muslims. Nobody wants to admit the problems with a religion that tells you, that you are gods chosen ones, and all others are inferior.

I dont think jewish people magically got misrepresented in high positions in society by accident, and as long as they support each other and if they look down on others for being non jews, you can understand that maybe just maybe these rich powerful high position in society people, do not have my best interest in mind.

And my other problems exist with their practices of usury and circumcision but those things are for another thread. i also dont like how much they own the media.

By what metric

I feel like every ethnicity/ nationality/ tribe of any sort does this in their own way

You guys (not white) are just using this as another opportunity to be racist against white people

when I compare upper middle class immigrant Chinese/Korean/Indian/Jewish mentality, the generalization in my head goes that the Jewish parents are the best at setting high expectations without being toxic and abusive about it

I’d have to ruminate more to think about the reasons

how’s anything I said have anything to do with whites

Jews are not white people