israel gaza war


I know I'm not white lol


Not gonna lie, that's some Borat level funny shit

#BREAKING: Anti-Jewish protesters in Berkeley, California throw cash at Jewish city council members in a clear act of antisemitism.



Well the first issue is that "Palestinian life" is inherently worth less than "Israeli life" because regardless of whether they are "oppressed" or not, their capacity for civilization is the equivalent of an open air refugee camp.

The murder of "Darfurians" (peoples who only exist at the numbers they do because they're subsidized by the State Department) is within the same moral strata of factory farming.

Due to First Amendment-related events, customers are encouraged to allow extra time to get to Washington Union Station to board their train.

fuck off

of youre a person with a lot of empathy its really easy to project that on to other people but i think the reality is most people are selfish and have a limited capacity for empathy

also the fact thst lots of people are so stressed and overworked just focusing on themselves they physically dont have the capacity to keep up with and care about every tragedy. being in survival mode does that to people

i think osiris is technically right, but not because of ‘media coverage’ most people are just selfish and the ones that arent are often too busy

Was in center of Toronto today for work. I like to take main roads out of there when going back home and avoid the highway. Got stuck because of a huge Palestine protest.

It's weird seeing in person.

I just don't get what they think it will achieve asides being a release valve. Canada is a backwater state that nobody respects on the world stage due to truedope anymore. Who do they think gives an actual fuck about their protest

Ooohhhh they did it infront of the us embassy. Again what do they think this will Actually do? It's illogical.

it's problematic to call a genocide a war btw!

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Oh fuck off

rip to all the innocent palestinian child civilians =(

I for one am shocked the worlds most peaceful innocent children civilian population have found themselves in this situation

Didn't Israel get the memo that those were peace rockets they were firing out of their hospitals?

i dont have any love for israel but its really annoying having to read every headline about "50 more innocent palestinian children civilians were killed today"

literally they cannot say the word Palestinian without saying "innocent" "children" and "civilians" in every single press brief

and now suddenly people like you are screeching ethnic cleansing and genocide just because it's non muslims killing muslims for a change

interesting how theres zero coverage ever about the "genocide" and "ethnic cleansings" going on in yemen or ethiopia

like for some reason because Israel's Iron Dome system works really well everyone just.. doesn't talk about or acknowledge the constant rocket barrage from Gaza as being a problem at all. We're just supposed to act like that's nothing, going from the result (the rockets not killing anyone) and working backwards to where it's not a problem. Yeah it's totally not a problem they fire rockets from hospitals and schools every day. okay lol