You realize its a clear troll right, come on man
It’s because he’s a fucking retard
what the fuck is a kaan academy
Call me when you can help me with my theoretical statistics
Yeah sure what do you need
What the fuck is theoretical statistics?
Failed stats twice tho but top 15 HS player
real niggas go for the KingergartenMath% run
This is the best kind of YouTube video
Congrats keep at it
My tablet keeps freezing what do I d
I believe you could easily do Khan academy calculus jdance. I have faith in you
I jacked off and got distracted shortly after that last lesson
How much longer till algebra 2 completion?
I’m telling you dude geometry is going to change your life
Just did half a chinup. The most I’ve ever done in my entire life.
Have you tried doing negatives till you gain form and strength in the movement?
It looks really stupid but you’re at the gym and sounds really strange but it’ll really help. Give it a try