Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent

haha yes I don’t own any pairs of supreme yeezus 5000 sneakers therefore I am at the bottom of society

literally the only thing that matters in life is being happy and I’m probably a lot happier than you

I don’t own any supreme, or yeezys and I don’t really buy any clothes, most of those designer clothes were gifts btw if you didn’t know that already

Probably not because I do literally whatever I want at all times

I have a cute girlfriend and a cute dog and get to spend nearly every day with them

life is good

Nice me too minus the dog, she wants one but I don’t right now

So we’re about at the same level, except I make 80k in a month and do whatever I want all day everyday

I literally don’t care lmao, I almost never think about money nor do I ever find myself thinking “I wish I had more money”

I might just play Diablo 2 for 12 hours straight tomorrow

I might wake up tomorrow and just decide to play Diablo all day or I could just do it on Monday or literally any other day of the week because I basically am doing quite literally whatever I want

Maybe tomorrow I’ll just book next day first class tickets to Paris and stay there for a week if I really just want to blow a quarter of my monthly income

you’re so insecure lmao :laughing:

Damn next day first class tickets to Paris for a weeks worth of income fuck

Please bro, the armchair psychologist shit is cringe

what you’ll do tomorrow is what you do nearly every day, tell strangers on the internet how much money you have to try cover up your massive insecurity and self esteem issues

i should close the thread like kyle did that one time, tell everyone to cool off and pretend like that will make things better

I only do it to you because it’s funny

I’ll close you if u do that

Because insom thinks Kyle Rittenhouse is “more guilty than innocent” he was given a promotion at work and a 2.5% raise which is about an extra $2000 per year!

Good for him guys everyone clap :clap: