Lbj mafia #1 day 4

good job yns. you truly dumb town told like a pro

epic carry all alive members of town

yeah ur policy lynched if u do spam again. nice wifom post

also if you say “this is why im town” more than 10 days in a day

hey can you list who you think respects you of the other players here?

aw i see this is an ego thing for you. you have changed.

ill note this for the next game. explains a lot

you have my fullest respect great solver of the game

my only reaction to any of your opinions on anything is contempt

and im baffled if anybody else has a different reaction to your “playing” and opinions on mafia


who would you have killed after ersu?

honestly dunno if i wouldve seen the friend bus at that point (end of day 2, ersu flipping red)

cant in good faith make claims about what i wouldve done in that hypothetical

dont know how friend wouldve played d3 there either

honestly from what i remember, i made a dumb “friends not bussing ersu” read so i wouldve stuck with that until i didnt anymore

hard to predict when ill flip on stuff and its even harder to see from the outside which of my flip flops are more serious and likely to last

point stands that you decided to treat me like a meme while my reads were still good (seriously, reread d2 up through post like 500) and my game got steadily worse because of it

became a self fulfilling prophecy

Beware gamers - current town trend is to post multiple different sets of reads during the game and then find and quote the one that was right in post-game to claim you had “100% reads”

LBJ I think you did a good job hosting. Nice setup and nice game

Only 1 problem:
-Zeusing brendan was fairly stupid and it seems like you have a habit of making impulsive bad decisions that defy common sense

Before that point and after it I thought u were doing great though. Especially a fan of the “im just gonna make a setup and maybe it will have roles” strategy recently

Oh the one other stupid decision that flew in the face of common sense

-a player comes to you and says he has an exploit that breaks the game
-you tell him to keep playing???
-he then agrees to keep playing and actually posts the exact exploit in the thread???

Between the two of you that was a remarkable show of some of the worst decision making I’ve ever seen in a mafia game

Ewiz if you have something that clearly is game-breaking and the host says to keep playing your correct course of action is to specifically ask the host to sub you because he’s making the wrong choice

I don’t see how you could ever think posting that exploit was a good idea at the point that you posted. It’s 100% game ruining. In the case nyte was scum, you posted how to exploit the game and prove she was scum (told everyone else the exploit) and then you went back and found the other guy with the exploit. Then she has to claim mason and now the two masons are hard-cleared (also gamebreaking)

In short the decision to leave you in the game and then your decision to actually post the exploit in the thread and try to use it to get nyte lynched was beyond retarded

Oh and lastly if you intentionally ran a closed setup with masons and had mafia talk in chatzy in order to break the exploit I think that’s hilarious


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I may have voted for you/nyte every day except for the last one, but, to be fair, you both didn’t play like your normal town selves

I didn’t post the exploit until I realized town would lose because of a hosting error (mason pm said night chat) and friend was going “flip ewiz, then nyte”. It was shitty, but the only way to avoid a town loss