Mental Ward Ramblings

I do not deny that

By not using the dry wit of narcissists, trying to make fun of the situation by posting these threads you ■■■■■■. You need to be medicated or you are going to destroy more people.

You are gay.


Isn't this so jdance? Look I'm posting about my trip to the psychiatric hospital again

That sounds like a thread id read

If you molested or raped someone w/e not my place to say even if it's terrible, but you cannot express genuine guilt for the act and at the same time not get medicated to prevent it from happening again. You haven't changed anything.

I have not destroyed anybodu

Big pharma ■■■■■■ in the thread

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Idk get a fucking hobby, everyone on this site is a shut-in meanwhile I'm swimming laps around people at the pool.

You need meds bro lol

Excuse me as I call the paparazzi on myself

Guaranteed my dick is bigger

i was wrong

What height are you again?


Then you're smaller than me.

I dont need meds. I am incredibly stable until other situations happen to me that you do not know about.

Nothing is ever my fault.

Nah 7.5"


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