
1 is a prank and the other is flat out stealing and griefing, do u understand the difference?

Everyone on the server is aware that Kyle has been griefing me for a while

i’ve given him several chances to go away and made it very clear I dont want to be bothered and it isn’t a funny game to me

hiding his resources is a pretty rational action considering his continuous escalation and it shouldn’t matter much at all because he should be banned anyway (in which case he would have access to NO resources)

this is a no griefing server and you don’t get to harass, antagonize, etc people for weeks on end with no repercussions. I immediately was open and honest about what I did in the thread and nothing Kyle had saved up is gone - I just moved it away where he won’t be able to use it to grief me while I’m gone. Kyle, on the other hand, has continuously destroyed my work and harassed me when I am playing peacefully on the server and he’s caused serious negative consequences for me here on the website by whipping up the dumb monkeys into a frenzy every time I mention that he’s griefed me again. I think I’ve showed extraordinary restraint in letting this go on as long as it has and I want to make a clear statement that these actions are no longer acceptable.

improve your attitude, Kyle.

you were never griefed, u got pranked.

spwaning chickens which is an easy clear up is different than stealing shit and lavaing builds

Why don’t you say “Yes I did it”

Why have you still not admitted to griefing me and continually escalating this situation until I have no choice but to take action against you?

Additionally, I haven’t stolen anything of Kyle’s or griefed it at all. I can tell Krazy where all the stuff is and everything will be restored as normal. But I’m not going to do that while Kyle is still continuing to harass me and ruin my Minecraft experience.

Kyle actually confessed or atleast claimed to know more when I asked Kyle who did all of this and he responded with what sounds like was the reason it burned down

I mean he had to go over when it was burned down to put the chickens in lol

I derive too much enjoyment from this dumb shut

Kyle’s been fucking griefing me for weeks on the server he convinced roragok to start to “get away from the griefing”

I started out trying to be friendly with him and then moved to just telling him to leave me alone

He still doesn’t get the message so this is what i have to do.

And he still lies about it in the thread lol. Pretty funny that you all want to accuse me of being dishonest when I’ve told nothing but the truth from the very start here while Kyle lies to your faces and plays these stupid troll games while griefing my base after i log off every night

All this stuff seriously makes me question whether benny ever did anything wrong at all. Kyle just picks fights and then plays the other players/moderation team to try and escape justice. I won’t let it happen lol

And Kyle I see you’re not responding right now so I assume you logged on to burn my base down again

I’ll remind you what I did was not really that bad at all and before you think about going to majorly grief me again you should consider how much more you still have left to lose.


dude your base is fine, im not bruning anything down. i want my shit back. i never griefed you.

i pranked u by putting chickens, you returned fire and did it as well. why the fuck are you so upset about something that benefitted you.

I didn’t mean to imply I was taking a side, just trying to figure out who did it for my own pleasure

I thought it was scsf at first, ah well can’t guess em all

scsf is actually the most generous person on the server.

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That’s a harmless prank you don’t reply to that with friend a beacon which is mine and other shit as long as burning a spawned that’s childish and immature

Stealing a beacon*


id like to change my vote to let them stay as long as they leave everyone else alone.

i dont really want him banned cuz i like having more people on. i just want him to

  1. stop making things up
  2. give me back my shit

What’s a bacon

Here's why I'm upset DotaKyle:

-day passes-

You've been picking fights with me for more than a week when I repeatedly tell you I just want to be left alone

You then go lie about it in the thread, convincing a bunch of other people on the forum to dogpile on and start accusing me of all sorts of things

You've ruined my experience using this forum and ruined my experience playing minecraft

And it was very clearly griefing - you don't get to draw the line on what is and isn't a prank when you're the one perpetrating the griefing.

When one person is very clear they want to be left alone and the other person keeps initiating conflict, that's griefing, and what you did in the thread (gaslighting and enlisting others to your cause) is totally unacceptable.

The funny thing is none of this would have even come out if I didn’t preemptively remove your resources from the chest

Half the people in the thread would still think I was griefing myself so I could have the fun experience of coming in here to report it and getting insulted by random dingleberries like deep “were all just compost in training” wizard

And you’d continue to do stuff to my base when I log out every night and then I’d wake up in the morning and have to face you painting me as the bad guy here in the thread

Appreciate the “its just a prank bro” responses tho keep up the good work