
See this shit

This is dotaKyle continuously griefing me and then coming to the thread to gaslight about it and try to convince others I am making it up for attention

it's a pattern of action and it's not that hard to see through it. As usual, Kyle's a very weak mafia player and mostly gets by on just being so constantly unbearable that people end up appeasing him just to keep him pleasant

I think this is probably just a boldfaced lie but really it doesn't matter

You've been doing weird shit in my base and altering things and you're now trickle truthing it since you've been caught

  1. you constantly claim someone is stealing ur sugar cane and blaming me – i know its not me.
  2. youre claiming someone is moving shit around ur base to fuck with you and blaming me – i know its not me
  3. if i know things arent me then im not gonna say it was me.

I guess the only real question here is the extent to which ailwynd is involved in which case if he really did ask you to pretend with the sugarcane then he was probably the one who stole it and both should be banned

So don’t lie about your friend and get him in trouble after you do a bunch of stupid shit and ruin a server (two in a row now)

Ask scsf your self it was me and him who out that there

I mean it’s not a magical game glitch that my stuff was disappearing (and often happened more when I had said something kyle didn’t like)

There’s only one person on the server that has the antisocial personality and twisted mental mindset to actually go in my base and alter/steal shit and the server’s on a whitelist

it’s really not that hard to figure out what’s going on here. I report something stolen, we know who stole it. And I’m not making shit up, as proven by Kyle’s recent confession.

I’m not sure that I posted this one from this morning but what was the objective in doing this?

He just removed a bunch of random blocks from my sugarcane farm and turned the lever sideways

There’s no reason to do it - there’s nothing to gain - except that the person gets some little adrenaline rush from doing something he knows is wrong. It’s boundary-pushing and it’s exactly like that example I gave with the serial rapists. Look up BTK/ONS and his MO.

It’s another one of these “oh i did something really small that was wrong but maybe you won’t notice and i’ll just lie about it in the thread and make you seem crazy” things

Like dude get yourself checked out you need to see a therapist

We need to harvest Wintersoul and dotakyle for infinite renewable energy. They just keep on going.

I wasn't replying to you, just the thread in general. Still:

Why would steal sugarcane when I have my own farm and I have my own enchant setup. I also have no vendetta against you. Your not even considering the fact that scsf took your sugar cane or went into your base when I have seen him go into your base multiple times

I am also much further ahead in the game then you I have no need for whatever you have.

Nobody in the game has any motive to steal my stuff for utility, they’re all doing fine in the game

The only motive to steal my stuff is pettiness and dota kyle is the only one petty enough to do it

im done replying. you stole shit, you griefed shit. no one did anything to you.

i legit think youre making up the stolen sugarcane.


thats not griefing. its a prank. you were not harmed, infact you benefited.



Once again your ability to totally underestimate and misrepresent the effect your actions have on other people is legendary