Monkey pox

Unsubstantiated claim and hearsay

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Yes agreed, "Man this thread sucks" posts which add nothing of their own are so 2015

yeah dude stamping out progressivism even through anti democratic means is so dope

taking away peoples freedom is super poggers

5 old men jammed through something extemely unpopular, a massive win for the conservatives

Be the change you want to see in the thread.

@electrowizard could salvage this thread

i wonder how long it takes for conservatives to turn on democracy

i mean their popularity is shrinking every year, so they’ll never win elections, but it’s very important for their view of morality to be imposed on everyone else

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Your reasoning and ability to engage with this topic is NPC-level I suggest you read the US Constitution

In short: Canadian


shut the fuck up ■■■■■■

Insom actually straight up saves every politics thread

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you’re cheering for 5 old men pulling off some anti democratic bullshit

eat shit

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Stop saying you want electrowizard back motherfucker nobody wants that

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I do

He's the hero we need but don't deserve

its so funny watching conservatives invent these narratives about “the woke mob” and “the brainwashed left”

like they literally cannot accept their views are just less popular

they have to turn themselves into some type of moral protagonist

those wacky brainwashed leftists that think human rights should apply to gay and trans people, that dont think black people are inherently stupid and violent

so brainwashed!!

might be true but voters for democrats are gonna go down the dumpster because people are tired of them doing nothing for the people until its time to vote again and hold those policies hostage

President Joe Biden on Tuesday also weighed in on the leak, calling on voters to elect abortion-rights supporters to political office if the Supreme Court eventually decides to throw out Roe.

lol. LMAO.

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