My walnut brain can't figure it out.

kennyS started playing again so they had to nerf the awp

KennyS? MonkaS

i suppose

He's right they did. I don't enjoy it nearly as much without the mid sightline


U ok?

Anyways triple post this reminds me that they also fucked up cache and inferno in ways I don't enjoy. But at least vertigo is fun and better

what don't you enjoy about the inferno changes? they (semi) recently fixed a lot of the dark spots and light/dark colour contrast issues which were caused by the original map redesign

It's broken af as neutral. If you get it you win late game imo.

degenerate awpers smdh

let me guess you were an entry fragger

yea i tried lurking for a bit but i never got the hang of when to 'activate' so i just stuck with being the guy that gets to play on 50 hp at the start of the round from running up banana

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nice, yeah I find awping is by far the most annoying to go against as a T side entry fragger especially if your teammates flashes dont blind them or they suck at trading

for a pug environment buying a krieg and 1 tapping an awper in the head can be the perfect remedy, especially on mirage A

i dont actually hate awpers i get why an overpowered gun should exist and they're often the best player on an actual team. the doodoo heads who don't buy with the team and/or refuse to help take sites while they hunt for kills are what irritates me and those are usually guys who rely on the awp

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i haven't played in a while and only played seriously for a short time but i always respected the scout deag guys more than the awp clowns. at least the scout has style

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A site

what was changed besides truck->haybales it's been so long

i think pit/gy got stronger, especially pit

funny how it's always two sets of different players buying scouts and awps