NAMafia Artifact League!


Warnings will go out tomorrow to your opponents that aren’t playing their games

I’m thinking we can default and go next on Friday so that the tournament can keep moving along

Of course if anyone replies like “Oh I can play Friday 10pm” or something then we’ll push it back. Prefer to have people play

With 6 matches per round, it will be fine to kick players as long as we have 8 (16 would be better.)

I really don't care to play with someone who is going to delay every one of their matches to the last minute.
12 rounds would be 12 weeks or more.

BTW what happens to the opponent when players get kicked? Do they auto-win? Do they get rescheduled with an active player? :emberthinking:

They autowin

Nobody’s getting kicked before the second draft phase

The matches will be defaulted and we will move on to the next week

Players will be assessed on whether they were actually trying to play (if they were AFK all week and their opponent was trying to play with them they obviously won’t get points)

The one exception is Kodama, who will always be defaulted as a win because I like his avatar

Unfortunately we do have to kick in each of the drafts if people are just completely afk because you can’t move on from a draft until all players are drafted

I’m also realizing just now that the AFKs will naturally be matched together because they are all at the bottom of the scoreboard. So your frustrations with trying to schedule with an AFK opponent will lessen as the weeks go on

But my hope is that we don’t have issues with AFK and everyone gets their matches played.

We need a new league where a piece of trash like asoul isn’t the host asap


Good to know. I might actually beat someone because the refuse to play.

you made some grand proclamation about how we need to know who invited who but i have no idea who has matt #owo added and would like to so i can ask them to ask matt if he’s ready to lose

would probably be a better option than “maybe he will click the chat tomorrow or any day in the next week i will just default the match”

like what if hes clicking and you dont even know lmao

Yeah I suggested that for this exact reason but I got snark for it so I didn’t push it any further

I don’t think Theres anything wrong with asking anymore cuz now im sitting here trying to give this man my points

@LuckyArtist did you talk to Kodama before he abandoned

He hasn’t once replied to a message of mine, private or public

Thinking I will probably shorten the schedule next week - we need to speed up so that we can finish before the site dies or artifact gets deleted from the internet

Thinking like a Tuesday night deadline if we convert to wk2 Friday

If people refuse to play, we could make it a 16 player tourney.

reducing timeframe sounds good

Reminder everyone turn on @ notifications even if you silence the chat please!!!

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Round 2 is open

Deadline is Wednesday night

Can u post matchups here pls ty