NAMafia Artifact League!

Leaderboard looks glitched for the players with 2 draws.

Edit: Nevermind. The leaderboard is out of sync and fixes itself eventually.

Interesting that the tournament organizer gets matched against the two female players in the first two rounds.



Getting the ez matches :^)

Just kidding

I actually looked after I got matched up there because I knew someone would say something is weird with the seeding and I don’t think I even have an option in this round to move seeds

I can stream it next time we progress rounds if you guys want to see

Also kittens deck was quite strong and not something i really wanted to be matched against

tidehunter: wins every 50/50 = all heroes stunned all the time
tinker: just puts march in any lane I have disciples and the game is over

In conclusion I don’t think this game is fair and in our next tournament I’m thinking there will be no girls allowed

Not accusing you of anything but it looked questionable.

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Pretty much anything that happens at all in this tournament will solicit an accusation from somebody

Match against bad players: seeding was rigged
Match against good players: seeding was rigged

Default a player’s match after saying I was going to do it like 5 times and giving several days for the warnings: my friend says he was secretly super active and was trying to play his game, this is unfair

seeding was rigged

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LOL remember the mafia game where LBJ was my slave? I almost forced him to lynch himself just for lulz, but I decided to take the high road and let the po boy vote on his own.


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@big_ass you’re doing fine. If people don’t @ each other in the chat and try to schedule something then you have to make a command decision.

Didn’t lbj threaten to quit Mafia unless u guys stopped doing slave games lmao

He was mad because nma rigged the roles to make him a slave. Like really mad.

ROFL o yea thay was it, fuck I remember laughing so hard

I hate this fucking forum so much you guys always do the funniest shit

And his lynch vote only counted as 6/10th of a vote.

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6/10th? Huh.

It was 3/5 which is the same thing

give me your poe currency

please god fuck