NAMafia Artifact League!

No give it to me

im so fuckin poor im running low life without shavs

im using broken crown ffs

Kinda sad when an Egyptian knows the US constitution better than most people here.

Why are you running ll without shavs

Why are you using broken crown

Support players yuck

my friend supported me in incursion so im supporting him now

key difference is i went kb and he went ascendant and this league he wanted me to support his arc trap build and this was the best i could think of

What point is there to support one of the best base builds in the game what that shit can clear anything on a 5l with a shit weapon

when i asked him he said he wins with his favorites

slaves never had 3/5ths of a vote

the southern states wanted the slaves to count as 3/5ths of a person so they’d have more representatives in the electoral college and house of reps so the joke is historically misleading

Yeah but the point is that nma gave lbj a role wher he was counted as 3/5 of a person.

Fuck u guys for bringing up bad racist memories

? Whites can’t be racist against blacks

@LuckyArtist sorry man but it was very funny at the time.

Don't fucking throw shade. I know he sent screenshots to you of him trying to reach his matchup since Monday

He did not send screenshots

I will happily throw shade your post was retarded