NAMafia Artifact League!

you got work dont u bud? you plannin on getting schwasted?

We need to just call all the next rounds as draws and go to next draft. I think thatā€™s what everyone wants anyways. Also, congratz to @Sammyboy for winning in the NADCL tourney so far.

Iā€™m with this

? Tomorrowā€™s New Yearā€™s Eve

if thereā€™s no time for the 50 more rounds or whatever this game wants id ont think we have an option other than this

Thereā€™s plenty of time and options

Guide to understanding what the fuck I am talking about:

A ā€œroundā€ is 1 match
A ā€œPhaseā€ is a set of rounds. Each Phase has its own draft

For the current Phase we have 2 rounds left and 1 week to play. That just means more people will be drawed than usual. Not a big deal.

Then there is another ā€œPhaseā€ (new draft and more rounds of the format we are playing right now) before we hit the bracket (which will be ANOTHER draft and then just bracket).

My question is whether we have had enough of these Phases we are doing right now and want to skip some of that second phase in order to move on to the bracket.

I donā€™t think we have time pressures for Phase 2, itā€™s entirely a question of whether we would want to move to bracket sooner because we have played enough of these seeding rounds.

This weekā€™s round is open and will last until Wednesday night

This is a good one to play early as itā€™s gonna be pretty short and a lot of people will probably get draws


I have no opponent. Do I get a bye bound?

You do

Huge shoutout to Kkat btw

He hasnā€™t missed a single match so far and despite losing a lot of games he still having great attitude and positive participant in the tournament :slight_smile:

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Nice I log in and not one but two pairs of people are playing their matches out instead of taking the draw

Good work guys. After these ends I will move it to Round 6 - the last round before we get to redraft

I want to give an advance warning to everyone that when the draft happens it will be a kick round as the tournament canā€™t move forward if there are afk players not drafting

That will take place the week of the 6th thru 12th. If you are going to somehow be afk all through that week make sure you reach out and say something so we can figure something out to not have to kick you.

I expect thereā€™s like a couple people that just afked and forgot about the tourn and those will be kicked that week. Donā€™t want to kick if I dont have to tho so everyone get ready to start pinging your friends and shit

Last round good luck gamers

I wont play @sdadasdas unless he starts posting again

I believe he probably left due to having real life stuff to do and not just to be a jerk

And will return in his own time when he no longer has stuff to do.

A little concerned that he might also be totally afk in my artifat tournament though. I would not like to kick him when we do the draft round