NAMafia Artifact League!

He’s last online on steam 11 days ago - he’s never coming back

I played a few constructed games tonight. One more win gets me two more free packs.

First guy (Level 1, meaning he hasn’t won 3 constructed games ever) had an ok deck, but he was dumb. Easy win.

Second guy was pretty good. He had lots of tower upgrades. I was worried for a while and then he just forfeits without even losing a single tower.

Third guy was level 6. He had a money deck for sure. Axe, Drow, Cheating Death. Lost big time. I’m sure his deck cost him at least 30-40 bucks.

Another game the next night. 3rd turn the guy just forfeits. Got 2 more packs with some good cards. Will upgrade my red/green deck and start a new Blue/? deck.

If anyone knwos phoenix please ask him to read chat :slight_smile:

I’ll be on a bit later today been busy af all week

Does anyone know who matt owo is? He is never online.

its not me

@KrazyKat that’s a frequent afker don’t worry about it. If your match doesn’t get played I’m 100% aware you’ve missed 0 matches and he’s missed all (?)

@old_electrowizard_acc want to play in a bit? I have to go out and find something to eat

Sure, wanna try at 2?

I can do earlier too, just trynna give you time to get food

Sounds good

@Agubar / Duke quit the tourney. Was that on purpose or a mis-click?

Also, wtf is this Prey on the Weak card? My opponent used 3 of them and had over 50 cards in one lane. DoubleYou Tee Eff ?

It’s kanna’s signature card. It’s why Kanna is the top blue hero

Going to try a blue/black or blue/red deck next I think.

I talked to him. He has some family stuff coming up and he doesn’t want to hold up the draft/afk through a bunch of rounds.

Hopefully next time we run a league it will be a new Valve system that’s a little more flexible when people need to take breaks.

Artifact will never be as cool as MTG

Got my draft done. Hopefully better than last one. Had to settle for a 3 color deck.

Interesting site here: