NAMafia Artifact League!

I know for a fact sammy was busy and has a good excuse

If anyone is actually friends with him I’d appreciate if you’d ask him when he thinks he can draft and we can postpone if needed

I’m not inclined to boot a bunch of people - if anything we can just shorten the tournament if people are losing interest and we’ll just go to final bracket. But I think people wanted to draft and play new deck a little bit

If you guys have friends/roommates that you invited and aren’t drafting, you should poke them a bit if you want them to stay in. Some just haven’t played recently so I assume they are no longer interested but who knows

I should have time (to draft)tomorrow night. Things have been ultra busy for me.

Alright sounds good

When does the event sammy is playing in end? Anyone know?

It ended today.

BTW @Forrest is on his steam friends list. Maybe he can pm him?

I was watching NADCL and asked several friends of sammy to pm him about our tourney. Probably a waste of time.

edit: it was a waste of time. I don't think sammy cares anyways. He has NADCL to worry about.

@big_ass You could give dan and nyte more time to draft if they want to play.

Otherwise, kick them all and move to round 2.

Yeah I am extending a little bit because I don’t really want to kick people

Just giving someone like sammy, who was gone all week, or dan and nyte, who say they’re about to do it, a chance

I think the players who are still in this are willing to wait. I hope dan and nyte keep playing. Klaze is MIA so who cares.

I got on twitch and asked for friends of sammy to pm him, but I failed. They really don’t care about us scrub Artifact players.

i just finished my deck

hi sorry ive been away, if theres still time to do it ill do it tomorrow.

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I’m fine with giving sammy and dan’s friends a few more days. BTW well played in the minor and gl in nadcl. B9’s team is looking good lately.

Got it, I will set the deadline to kicks for tomorrow night (Tues 6pm-ish EST)

Not ecstatic about my draft but I haven’t touched the game in weeks so I don’t even know how to play anymore

Do you guys want to go short on this round and move to the brackets quicker?

We can do like 3 matches instead of 6.

Would like to hear what ppl think.

Im indifferent. Whatever works for everyone else

Since Valve limits the time for each round, I think 4 matches at one week max each would work. More matches with less time per match would mean more more draws.

I mean we’re definitely losing steam and I’m gunna be off on my timing until I can transition to the new place

This game was an experiment. Whatever the results, we will learn something.

The God guy did his and @JosefStalinator just got back from his trip to India, should be available tomorrow

@Sammyboy @JosefStalinator

Trying to give everybody a fair chance here but I am kicking tonight so get it done in the next hour or so