NAMafia Artifact League!

Wher the hell is LBJ?


This is getting old. We should kick all the players who don’t play.

The thing is it varies from week to week

Sometimes people just don’t have time/forget

Then the next week they’re there

I’ll remind you we recently had a draft round and actually kicked several people. All the people currently in are ones that got their deck drafted in that round, so they aren’t completely afk

Congrats to LBJ. His red deck is a beast in the early game.

@SOPHIE what is the story with todd


@Mimic later tonight

its the next round

I guess I should post the content of warnings channel in here too so people who are not on steam will see it

You won!


People drafted and if their decks garbo they just log off. ftfy

Sorry was playing with some friends. I’ll be around tomorrow to play


I have to ask him he’s probbaly just unaware he’s gotta play

Please ping me here if he’s tryna duel

I am not going to be booting up the CPU during the week unless summoned

I have let him know and will let you know when he has a time. Will prolly be today tho

Can you tell me who my opponent is or just be a godmin and post the bracket every week so I dont have to open tje game to find out who my opponent is and close it lol

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Hmm yea I used to do that huh

Guess I literally the laziest admin ever but yea everyone has access to that page and anyone feeling nice could post it

As mentioned I am away from “the cpu”

Ok I’ll need to set up pc does anyone know offhand who my matchup is?