NAMafia Artifact League!

Magic’s bracket deck is really good

Magic lost to Alightsoul who then lost to me. Hahaha.

Gogey when

Please give nyte a defwin @big_ass

or two of them

What was asoul’s deck?

Farvhan Farvhan Chen Mazzie Mazzie

I have Ench Farvhan PA Sorla Sorla

The game sucks

Asoul, what did you run to deal with creep spam?

he just got lucky

My deck wasn’t that good

And honestly the Farvhan tp didn’t matter - it was saving one of my lanes from your two Sorlas hitting tower

What mattered was 1 turn before lethal - 2 cards spawn into my lane of 15 guys with mists of avernus hitting them all, out of 6 possible hitters 5 end up with arrows to those two cards, including two of my buffed heroes

On that turn I had 15 damage to an 80hp tower, the next turn I made 64 of 65. Only way I win is that I predict exactly the number of creeps that will spawn in the next round, count properly, and push for that lane immediately.

I lost because I held two red guys that I could have played a turn earlier for 12+ damage per turn.

Magic had creep spam AND counters to creep spam - his deck was basically a better version of mine and also held counters to mine

Nma’s is a tower rush deck piloted poorly - he stole the idea from when I beat him in round 1 of swiss - but it’s OK. I’m used to being imitated and having my great ideas stolen.

I pick the cards given to me and play them perfectly - there’s really no luck involved.

My point wasn’t really to make fun of you - just to make fun of the game. It’s supposed to be a skilled game but I don’t think it’s really built for that type of calculation. You just have to have the right guess and then get creep rng, hero rng, then there’s still the normal card game stuff like what has your opponent drawn. It’s a bit much

Another example: You had slay in deck and may have had other cards to remove 1 creep. If you could remove 1 creep at any point those last couple turns you had the win. In fact if you really were holding intimidation you misused it - you can remove a creep and win a turn sooner with that. Maybe you drew it at the end

I don’t remember anymore but I didn’t draw slay at all, I remember almost using intimidate on one of the creeps blocking my heroes there but I don’t remember why I didn’t do it.
Obviously if I had lethal I would’ve seen it.

The game is 99% rng, that’s true - but it sure does a good job at making you think that there was a certain decision that affected the game. I’d say in reality it’s just the accumulation of Hundreds of Unlucks

I think you used slay randomly on a creep in lane 3 that game

I agree about the decision thing you said. I made a decision to hold two red creeps on the 15 damage turn because I was thinking I might need them to defend lane 2 an extra turn with such a low kill threat on the first tower. Obviously this was a very bad decision that lost the game.

But in fact, this is just the game making me think that. In reality the very bad decision was to play the game at all - it is a very unlucky game.

No that was in the last game

When you play the finals let’s plan to do it at a time when we can stream it to the whole forum. Then me and krazy kat can watch and pretend that there are more people that care about artifact

Brendan will be watching.