NAMafia Artifact League!

This cycle has no deadline

Just figure out what times you have availability and post those and he’ll find something

Nyte says her schedule is like 9am every weekday and no weekends at all but I played against her at least once and we found a time

I’m sure people can find times

I like this rule. Final Combat.

No I can’t do 9am actually lol I was offering 7am my time.

mods please allow empty posts thanks!

Still not sure how my deck wins hope Dan is ready to get 2-0’d

Roragok made a plugin so people can submit “.” But if you wanna be cool and do it blank its easiest to put a # on a new line


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Wow roragok did work that’s good shit

@nyte can you get your game played

Late tonight. My work is in a critical period right now

Dan v Gogey is live

Everybody go watch

It was close but i eeked it out

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Wow. it’s down to 4 players. nyte, agubar, dan, and nma.

It would be great if the grand final matches were scheduled and announced ahead of time so we could all watch. Even better if someone would stream it.

It’s not down to four players yet?

Or rather, derpa is agubar?