NAMafia Artifact League!

Derpa is my friend and none of those guys. Hes from the same group of friends as the guy with the hard to @ username. It looks like itll be a good match, maybe ill try and play it tomorrow night and lwt u guyz know ahead of time to watcn it

Did derpa beat nyte?

We havent played

We have now played and yes I was handily beat. He has a good deck.

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Hes got 3 of those 3 manner stupid minus armor crepes

Im gonna play him tomorrow i think

Maybe you can stream it from the namafia stream… you guys trust each other not to cheat right

I would like this a lot. It would be a great way to end the games.

No man his rums blessings are outrageous. With the nevermore creep it’s insta gib.

I wish I could play his deck with my last draft. This is a really tough deck.

I haven’t had the time but it did make me wish I could spend a little more messing with drafting. It’s hard not touching the game for weeks and then thinking about a deck and playing a match :/

I honestly just fucking threw a little because I needed to be sleeping for work already. I mean, I also found out that my deck has some big holes lol. I found that out in a bot match right before playing, and it was like, welp, looks like this probably won’t go well lmao.

I mentioned this to gogey but i think its fucking stupid that we did 4 drafts and only the last one mattered

It would be a vast improvement and probably a much more exciting final bracket if people were allowed to use their favorite/best draft

Then i wouldnt be owning so hard for being lucky, which sounds fine. I wish @Agubar had finished it with us tho

Yeah unfortunately those are valve limitations

If i could give my #1 wishlist feature it would be to not have to kick/default people who have to take a break from the game

For example just a basic league system, play any time, nobody is assigned to play against anyone else and there’s some leaderboard with weighting based on who you’ve played (so it’s not like you can just collect 10 losses off the top player and get rated below the afkers that haven’t played

Then again, maybe people just wouldn’t play the game if they didn’t have the obligation of the weekly match

Just amazes me that valve wont just call themselves a publisher and give this to some great developers that they know. Or why didnt they do that in the first place. Theyre rich as shit just let older people who want to leave leave and then form some management squads out of the rest and take the remaining devs and make them leads on different shit.

Idk im just ranting because valve wishlists have always been so simplistic. I feel like an indie studio under the mentorship of Volvo would do better, maybe treat it ycombinator style and just support the game industry with your massive amount of wealth.

My friend @ImProudOfYou told me that he thinks theyre making the game free to play or something. That would be a start i guess

A) they have developers and think they’re hot shit, why would they outsource.

B) What indie company wants the senior management advice of a company that hasn’t managed to ship shit in like 10 years. It’s obvious their ideas about software are attractive to developers but not great (actually really fucking bad) for delivery, which is all that matters to an indie studio (deliver before you run out of money)

Honestly when I think back on TF2 I think their changes genuinely ruined it. Same for dota (to a lesser extent). These dudes are just fucking around in their giant pool of money from digital storefront and waiting for the company to die

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Who knows what they’ll do. Maybe that guy has info. They’ve gone black box on us and will likely show up in 10 months with something completely new. Either it works or it doesnt and that will decide the game’s fate.

He has as much info as us he just thinks that this is what theyve been quietly working on and referenced some post on /r/tifact where jeep (an employee working on artifact i presume) responded to some fanmail sent throigh their stupid support page and told the dude that theyve been busy working on the game and that he hopes that they can prove themselves in due time or something to that effect

I don’t see how that suggests it will be free to play

It should have been free to play with buyable cosmetic imp hats from the start (no crates fuck that gambling shit) but now that it’s been released with market and shit I think they have a responsibility to follow through on the idea and show that it can be cool (it can be - a market is still a million times better than these current mtx models)