Osiris is genuinely a creep

super tall people develop back problems earlier on average, need more calories to survive, and their organs are under more stress

it does but it's not life or death (unless dwarf or super tall), the social discrimination is a fraction of what trans people face, etc. it also doesn't effect nearly as many people (lets say for example men who are shorter than 5'6 and are so distressed about it they end up killing themselves)

it's also not illegal to be short in any country as far as i'm aware

i mean look at this website for example. about half the posters either don't consider being trans a real issue (or only will ever refer to it as a mental illness, while simultaneously saying this particular mental illness should NOT be treated), or don't even think they have a right to exist at all and think any gender related medicine should be banned. i haven't seen anyone ever say short people shouldn't exist here

i wasn't comparing who is more 'oppressed or at risk' you just said it effects none of us which unless you meant this website specifically is certainly not true and i bet plenty of short people think their quality of life would be better if they could add some height.

there aren't any female users on this forum


oh my bad I meant being trans effects none of us, not being short

and yeah I agree, I'm just saying there's a distinction between "thinks/knows there life would be better" and "literally wants to kill themselves because of it, one third of the planet actively hates them, constantly has to read shit on social media talking about how much people hate them"

there were females on this forum and nadota for like a combined 10 years, never saw them say it.

there are chicks who do that shit, but the number is way smaller than the average dude imagines it to be in his head (imo)

of the two females on this forum one of them came onto me, the second? tallest user on this entire website.

She came onto me actually...

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i didn't mean to imply you were unsympathetic to trans people or didn't understand what they go through, it wasn't really directed at anyone in particular i'm just rambling


The short are also inherent conservationists, which is more crucial than ever in this world of eight billion people. Thomas Samaras, who has been studying height for 40 years and is known in small circles as the Godfather of Shrink Think, a widely unknown philosophy that considers small superior, calculated that if we kept our proportions the same but were just 10 percent shorter in America alone, we would save 87 million tons of food per year (not to mention trillions of gallons of water, quadrillions of B.T.U.s of energy and millions of tons of trash).

“I don’t want tall people to feel bad about themselves,” Samaras said, sincerely, “but the time is right to be short.”


the new FEDGOV behavior modification ■■■■■■■■■ deny all intrinsic human behavior in order to habituate yourself to pygmy central americans imported for their vote

In some corners of the world, a celebration of short stature is happening. Arne Hendriks, a 6-foot-4-inch lecturer and artist, uses performance and exhibitions to encourage people to embrace fewer inches. He’s even restricted dairy from his sons’ diets and allows them only minimal sugar in an attempt to limit their growth, saving them from the ills of height. “It’s time for tall people to get off our high horses,” Mr. Hendriks said. “Don’t be overly confident when you are tall, because you are probably going to die younger, have more health problems and you are polluting more.”


You can thank guns

"changing your sons diet in an attempt to make him shorter, because it will make him 'pollute less'" is definitely a variety of bat-shit insane I do not endorse. lmao

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advocate for global conflict in all it's forms to create food shortages and malnutrition that hampers growth

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I can read mindless drivel in the New York Times about parents depriving nutrients to their children to stunt their growth and you can't even tell women (who by a vast majority, are overweight) to stop being fat.

That's gotta be observation bias or something