Osiris Passed Away

your post is so off base

not directly in its point that the images weren't that egregious - i feel osiris would have laughed at the attempt, certainly appreciated the nod at frisbee golf

but to say that it's in no way antagonizing or hurting anybody is actually kind of shitty and poor representation of "mod" accountability.

but considering this is you, this is namafia.com.. yeah. can't expect a whole lot more or different.

it was JONES POSTING?(not posed as a question)

Wow. People truly do grieve in a wide variety of ways

@insom Need your statement on the above.

I just listened to a mclovin cameo someone bought talking about this thread

pardon me?

yeah thanks for going full mask off. you're all scum. eat shit and die.

you're a fucking ■■■■■■ and i put you in the same category as the goys at this point

they're a bunch of deranged sociopaths and I was right the whole time, what do you want me to say

just took me pressing nmagane enough to get him to take the mask off

you're all fucking stupid for entertaining his fake gaslighting weird "personality" whatever the fuck for the last few years

you're sitting here fence sitting and "both sidesing" a fucking goyclub troll posting AI art designed to antagonize a person who is grieving

probably one of the lowest forms of human behaviour possible

like I said, it's like a cross between desecrating his corpse and some Westboro Baptist Church shit

and you cowards are sitting here trying to have an ethical discussion about it and and like I'm somehow the badguy who is in the wrong because I said a few naughty words

fuck all of you, fuck this trash website

there's a non zero chance that everything alightsoul has ever posted about himself has been fake and he's just some weird gaslighting loser like the rest of them

i seriously doubt this is even a real person at this point

you can literally feel the glee as he types "i'm so sorry you're having a hard time insom"

fucking weird disgusting subhuman trash

If you don't read this and feel a genuine feeling of disgust and nausea deep in the pit of your stomach I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you

I cant believe this is gonna be thread of the year

yeah dude it's really cool how in the last year of his life, a little group of sociopaths took advantage of the goodwill of a genuine person and pretended to be his friend while talking shit about him behind his back

then said group went around antagonizing his actual friends and trolling literally the only place most of us have to say goodbye to him or grieve of whatever.

the main theme here seems to be jones feeling genuine scorn and amusement at my grief, which is pretty typical psychopath behaviour

you've got one smarter than average charismatic psychopath ordering around his merry little band of weird degenerate freak 80iq sociopath friends to harass people and dox people and whatever the fuck else it is you weird fucks do with your spare time

pretty much all of you hyper-anxious socially awkward weird fucks feel some type of way when people act genuine and vulnerable to others (something you cannot do)

I remember when osiris came on the discord and was vulnerable with us

actually it's gonna be one of the last threads worth reading ever on this website

with posts like this it's pretty clear he's egging the goys on