Osiris Passed Away

remember when I said this

and @big_ass responded with?

go fuck yourself you fucking moron

wow what a shocker I was right, again


yeah and ad nauseum people told you to ban the goys and ad nauseum you were too fucking stupid and weak and easily manipulated by them to do it

good job

actually unreal that i'm being bullied by like 4 different people and you have the audacity to make like TWO "poor me" posts, that's like your first initial knee jerk response is to feel pity for yourself

because you know this is partially your fault and you want to get out in front of the blame and fucking manage your image

i'm not even slightly mad at you, but I rightfully called you out because it is absolutely your fault for not banning them all sooner

they've always done more harm than good, and you guys always made shitty arguments about how they're "reformed now" or whatever

just accept that they manipulated you, ban them all, and move on

ironically if I had been a mod this thread would have never reached this point

but you never once let me try, even though I directly asked, because you decided I was "too unstable" without ever giving me a chance to try

as if me being a mod for a few weeks and it potentially going poorly is some horrific outcome that must be avoided at all costs

nope, you never even gave me a chance, because like you just smugly implied, you consider me "too unstable" despite letting people like asoul and kyle mod your site. you've pretty much let everybody mod your site, most of whom don't even want to do it, but you gave me, the ONE person who actually wanted to do it the cold shoulder

but no, you never even deigned to give me a chance, because you don't like me. that's the only reason. anything you can possibly say about me you can say about someone else who has been given the chance to be mod on this site.

that's why I called you out

you're gonna respond to jones doing what he did with some poor me post about how you don't have enough mods and you're overwhelmed, when the person being bullied literally begged you to have a chance at modding

i probably care about this site more than any of you

what a joke

You begged me to be mod? When

Regardless I donā€™t think you can be so critical over me not wanting to try out new random mods. You know the other part of it too is that You end up receiving more shit on your plate and itā€™s not good for your psyche, or anyone who hasnā€™t fully padded theirs. Remember what happened to slowdive? Thatā€™s the real concern of an unstable position as mod to me. If youā€™re already not having a very good time with day to day use of the site, I fail to see how making you mod will help. Atleast on paper it might but in reality youā€™ll just be scrutinized more deeply and potentially be rubbed much worse ways.

If you wanna give it a shot sometime Iā€™m prolly down but I donā€™t think itā€™ll end well.

Just to dismiss a few points of yours though

Iā€™ve made mods out of people I donā€™t like or get along with

You may care more about the site, Iā€™m not going to dickmeasure input nor argue that I clearly exemplify a level of cwre you donā€™t have. But Iā€™m pretty sure we all care and unfortunately the solution to that problem again isnā€™t black and white. And just because Iā€™m not your exact shade on that scale doesnā€™t mean I care less lol

Insom you want to ban multiple people from a site with like 7 active users because people were messing with you

Messing with people or getting mad at people in different ways is most of the content on this site. I'm not saying it is by nature a negative place but it is definitely a place where you have to be OK with someone flipping out at you or being a dick for his own mild entertainment or something

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Itā€™s very annoying by to read posts like ā€œban then all and move onā€. Does everyone have short term memory? Is that somehow a new unturned leaf? Weā€™ve been over that bridge many times. Iā€™m happy to move on, but I donā€™t have the time to play border guard nor the want to do so anymore.

Also getting massive deja vu vibes to the old @KrazyKat posts. I know his thoughts changed heavily following actually becoming mod. Itā€™s much easier said than done handling any of that crap thatā€™s for sure

Itā€™s not black or white either those guys have been using the site as long as I have and longer, as far as Iā€™m aware. The only thing that makes them not nadota to me is their nationality, but weā€™ve had plenty of non na people we consider fellow users

Besides that, we know for a fact that we want to uphold what Osiris believed, and that Osiris believed these people should be accepted as site members. Idrc about the rest and would be happy not seeing jcrispy posts in general lol

Being a moderator to me is about understanding people and recognizing that the people on this site have a shit-ton of flaws but that you are essentially in a service role to them (rather than some like feudal lord role)

If I banned people for acting unhinged, being dicks, or even outright "bullying" me there would be nobody left on the site. I'd probably have to ban ā– ā– ā–  (and then myself). But we recognize people have their various mental issues (the goys maybe most of all) and do our best to de-escalate and keep everyone on track.

So yes I'm anti banning them and I'm anti flipping out at them and being like "Waaagh why did you post the Osiris fat cherub disc golfing image??"

And all of this is in line with what Osiris thought/felt - as evidenced by his posts and moderation but also as evidenced by the fact that he joined them in Teamspeak and talked to them and played games with them. If you are mad the goys are part of our community, take it up with Osiris - he did more than anyone to make that happen. And I think he did so successfully and it was a good choice. We love our goys as we love all our posters.

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When aliens ask me how losing someone affects humans i will link them this thread


Werenā€™t the goys all mass banned at one point a couple years ago and any suspicion of an alt account was banned and registration was closed to invite only?

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The only issue was Nyte was in her weird internet relationship with jones at that point and was sharing her account with him but that was it

Some ppl here have a toxic relationship with this website. Take a break

Iā€™m posting here until the website is shut down idc


yes they were. and goys before that ban and after are different. theyre more tame believe it or not

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i think sophie is right about insom being unable to mod due to mental state

and i think big_ass is right about banning multiple people with an active userbase of like 5


is there no ignore function anymore?

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