Osiris Passed Away

i thought it would show who voted what @SOPHIE save me

I can’t edit after 15 mins but it’s just public=true that needs to be on it

  • Civ5
  • AoE2
  • Dota2
0 voters

ok this one works now xd


i can maybe play but no promises.

idk. i pretty much spent all of last night curled up in a ball not wanting to get out of bed.

i'm really torn up about this shit. it sucks and it's not fair. i miss him man.



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we have 6 people for dota 2... 4 more and we can do an inhouse!

im down for dotes

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Osiris, you've inspired me to pull some harder gypsy shit in eSports dude. This next year is for you.


we have 8 for dota
if anyone knows anyone who knew him and would like to participate with some dota we just need 2 more.

if we get over 10 we will just random captains and have them pick from the pool, anyone not picked can still goof off on discord or w/e and observe

once we get at least 10 ppl for dota I will put up a poll for which day we do it. time will probably be around night time since thats prob when ppl have the most freetime due to work

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Yea sure I can play dota if that’s what we’re all gonna play

vote dota just so i know exactly who is signing up for it. please/thank you

i can do dota but my schedules fucked

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can also do the others.

when we do this?
now? in a few hours?

posting this because it’s eminem (Detroit connection) and he would have found this hilarious. just a video that showed up in my feed that made me think of him

he was always sending me stuff like this (probably why its in my algo in the first place)
, he loved this type of historical meme humour

normally I would just send it to him and we’d have a laugh.

guess ill post it here instead.

if he’s out there maybe he’ll find it funny

miss you friend.

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hello @here

Which day?
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
0 voters

vote which day you'd be available. assuming all days we play around 9pm EST

we can have more than 10 chill in discord and swap in and out for dota 2 games.

i'm thinking turbo could be the way to go so everyone gets a chance to go bonkers on their hero.

if you know anyone who may wanna participate just have them vote here so i know who to get for the group

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