[POLL] Do Nmagane and big-benny cheat?

The Benny + Nmagane dynamic is at best collusion, and at worst cheating.

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I already wrote a post explaning my read on benny that game so you’re just looping in circles in this argument of yours.


Going to go back and reply through the rest though

This is why it was a shame dan voted so quickly

If they’d had a chance to actually interact in a game deciding lylo it would be pretty clear cut


For the entire posting lifetime of the Breaking Bad account (which I believe led up to the site’s closure) you insisted it was me/piloted by the same person as the account you identified as mine

It’s a shame because otherwise I was super impressed with Nmagane that game.

Was I correct? Did you ever use that account?

Which reminds me I was thinking about how I should tell the story of that sitewide mafia game that was pretty entertaining and still isn’t entirely in the open

What do you think?

When you look back at a story with a Wrong perspective you starting seeing Wrong things that aren’t actually there.

I don’t remember this. I despised Breaking Bad ever since he hosted the No Scum game while I held you in pretty high regard, so I doubt I thought you were the same person for long.

“Why I am quitting the mafia sub-forum” - by Glen aka sdadasdas

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-created multiple accounts and signed the same game with them
-convinced 1 or 2 (forget) friends to also sign
-the first of the group to die (you or one of the friends - think it was you) told another of the friends the scum list after he died, promtping the player that was told the list to post the exact list in the thread right before HE died, being the first time he ever targeted scum correctly that game
-then after all accounts were out you still had your last account which was supposedly your "friend" but was actually just you signing the game on another account and that account continued living and playing in the game pretending it wasn't one of the 3 dead people and didn't already know all 3 scum

At this time you also weren't as picky about intentionally not winning games so I believe you faked "coming around to the right reads" on the last account but hey maybe our friend Jones could elaborate on that

Do you think I and breaking bad posted on the same account(s)? Did we post the same?

A true classic

Yes, you stole my account :frowning:

Wasn’t me.

Benny genuinely creates great arts but he has become too involved in the petty politics on this forum

I’d like to see him step back and refocus on content creation again

That thought me to never trust asoul