post here when you eat food that was mediocre but it got the job done

He’s one of those they are older so are less deserving of a right to life, because I can’t maintain myself in these circumstances and I’m younger.

Really what I am saying is I do not know if I am supposed to be seeing family, I do not know if I am supposed to be travelling, and I am very concerned if I am supposed to sell amzn shares because they barely moved on the first wave and are probably going to climb like crazy if people stay at home but the virus doesnt get worse

It’ll definitely get worse but it may not be enough for THAT endeavor of profit seeking

Dude the sad thing is my family is like that

I don't want my grandfather to die, he is a nice guy. He has been staying in his house and hasnt gone anywhere

Now they are saying they want a memorial day cookout and I've been saying it's dumb, there is no reason to do that, and I get told "he's an adult he can make his own choices"

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Nyte I feel like people like you are literally just yet to grasp the reality of the situation, which is that a large majority of the population will contract the virus in time anyway

I like that you think you are a resident expert on the matter and don’t get me wrong - I’m not saying that you can’t in fact know a great deal more than what’s being broadcast but come on.

sweden has been letting it rip this whole time and they've only got 5%.

it's unlikely majority of the population will get it, what's more likely is random ppl die in stupidity of "herd immunity"

Let me make very clear my thought process:

I go to a gym and unfortunately I contract coronavirus.
I go to Walmart and buy groceries, and give coronavirus to an elderly person who dies.

In your eyes I am directly responsible for their death.

In my eyes I am simply the first person to give them the virus they would have contracted in the next 2 years, and their death is a result of the virus and not my actions

Didn't mean to quote asoul

or you both take proper precautions and wait until we have a good treatment and/or vaccine.

I should clarify that I have coronavirus and am asymptomatic. If I knew I had it I wouldn't be in public with it

they're thinking immunity will last 6-12 months. if it's been 3 months of corona in sweden and only 5% of them have had it then we wont ever reach herd immunity until we get a vaccine so

That's 2 years brother, not going to happen. That's not reality for 99.9% of people

theres like 30 different vaccines currently being trialed, several are on to human trials. the oxford one is being tested on 10,000 ppl and ramping up even more. it's also being produced right now and aiming to be widely available to everyone by later this year if not next year.

Immunity for coronaviruses typically lasts 6-11 years. The 5% number your referencing is from end of April. Recently it was found to be as high as 22% in some areas. If it's truly exponential than they should be at a figure of herd immunity which is lower than 70% because of the social distancing occuring. All throughout this they've been below hospital capacity

we aren't doomed and this likely isn't the way life will be forever, but we aren't out of the water just yet as well.

Trials are in the first stage of a 4 stage process, each of which eliminates about half of the drugs which enter the each trial

i haven't seen immunity for coronaviruses being 6-11 years, i've seen 6-12months very often. thought i haven't done a ton of research as i try to limit it bc shitty anxiety

several are in phase 2 and are doing p2/p3 simultaneously

Even if you miraculously pass the trial right now there's still the whole manufacturing and administering several billions of doses