Problematic Players on

This thread has lost a lot of steam in the last 10 minutes and I think that’s your fault

You made the thread to make yourself seem like an innocent third-person intentionally. It’s something akin to as of why the Kidnapper always tries to lead the search party.

I believe I made that analogy myself in that very thread

Interesting hypothesis

unfortunately I presented a lot of evidence (all of the evidence, in fact) and you presented none

Therefore my theory is basically fact and yours is speculation at best

theory not supported by fact/experience is theorycrafting. you wouldn’t want to be accused of theorycrafting, would you?

It’s actually the other way around. You got caught red-handed with screenshots proving your conspiracy. While your only defense was ‘ask the players! i’m a good guy’ and even then, none of them stood up to your defense.

That is so totally not the generally accepted definition of theory crafting.

All stood up to my defense

you can present your countertheory but leave your reality distortion field out of it

While I have no doubt Alightmute can wriggle his way out of the Minecraft Mafia debacle, notice how his personality always teeters between this weird dichotomy of being a helpful teacher and someone that is always trying to prove he’s better than everyone. These two things are diametrically opposed.

I 100% guarantee that if any of you played on the server with dotakyle you would be finding ways to grief him much sooner than I

I consider it an act of extreme restraint on my part that I not only have never done anything wrong to dotaKyle but actually I continue forgiving him (about once a week for several weeks now) and forgetting his past transgressions each time in the name of a more cohesive server

Can you explain what you mean by this?

“The Teacher” doesn’t pretend to be better than his students.

Almost no whites had education at the time either

Have you seen Whiplash?

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Ty bb

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The movie - not your response.

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I think if you guys visualize me as JK Simmons in this scene we will all have a much easier time relating on this forum

I wouldn’t say a “teacher” and someone with narcissistic traits are opposed at all. Quite the opposite actually.