Roragok's Mafia #26

I will fuck your face

Lbj blatantly putting no effort in is a little sus to me

I agree the way I would like to play the game is the way deep throat described

Fucking retards

Is it because we arenā€™t all jping on bazing?

Jw, so you think bazing is a partner of me or a partner of deep throat?

We arenā€™t having a civil discussion. You are scum and this is what


Yes Roleblock will stop nightkills.

well that changes things for sure

So now q0q15 has a claim to be out.

I think a faction purposefully didnā€™t nk and I think that faction is q0ā€™s. But on the chance that heā€™s actual captain he still needs to claim

the only way we can confirm is if the tracker was watching q0. I hope the tracker reveals.


God you really are a moron. Literally nothing in my posts even talked about that.

Yeah, but you asked the tracker to out to either confirm or reject Jones. Thatā€™s fucking stupid when JONES SHOULDNT BE LYNCHED NO MATTER WHAT TODAY

wait so im really confused

q0 is jones and jones is nyte?

can we just use in game names?

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can you explain your thought process behind targeting klaze then? it seems strange for a captain to target a jarl claim for me

Sure you would, just in case you were tracked you could potentially have both investigative immunity (red jarl) and say you detained instead of killing.

Why does it change things? Did this many of you honestly think it didn't block kills? If roleblock didn't block kills it would only block SK and possibly backfire by blocking tracker -- seems pretty pointless.

lynch bazinga

i mean i cannot speak to how many people thought that but yeah personally i thought rb didnā€™t work on kills so i was assuming mafia held a shot or something.