Roragok's Mafia #26

He is confirmed mafia you retards

Bazinga is mafia. Jones is half confirmed as captain

Now lynch bazinga you dumb faggots. Bazinga did some weird counter claim shit and he is obviously mafia anyone saying he isnā€™t our lynch is scum (ewiz)



Yns throws every mafia game heā€™s in, so by him saying Iā€™m mafia it proves I am town

Thatā€™s not true

Considering he fucking won last game fuck you

Lynch bazingaboy

I have never seen yns do anything productive in a single mafia game. He is always a negative to either team he is on

Jdance isnā€™t being a whiner about getting town so I assume he is finally mafia

Your wrong Iā€™m just learning to think after taking up algebra 1 Iā€™m finally learning to get into concentration

Can we wait for qoq before we hammer anyone

aside from ā€œheā€™s acting susā€ and ā€œitā€™s weird for captain to target klazeā€, I actually have another reason for wanting to lynch bazinga today (I donā€™t want to say it though)

but I think itā€™s probably just best to hold out until q0 makes his report

This doesn't seem to be consistent with what you said earlier. I see some reasons that they would hold back a kill, but you didn't like the idea at first, now you're saying that you didn't think block worked so they likely held back?

Can you answer the kingā€™s question? I thought it was really good.

Can you please just modkill jdanceā€™s two accounts how are people okay with this

What question?


i mean yeah the two possibilties i considered were they held a kill or they targeted the same person.

people in nadota mafia often do things for the ~epic mindgames~

Jdance is the king? Jesus christ.

Assuming I knew that Klaze claimed jarl (I did not), why would it be a mistake to target him over a pr claim? Scum should not be claiming PRs and are hiding among citizen claims. As to why I didnā€™t block qoq? Qoq wouldnā€™t be sent to do the kill so blocking him would be pointless, and I already know heā€™s evil since Iā€™m the real captain so the check would be worthless. I would assume this is obvious?